A few days ago my sister Treasa asked me whether I wanted a few books she had already read. She and her husband were setting up a table at a neighborhood yard sale, and they were going through things, deciding what they didn’t need.We always have things we don’t need—doesn’tRead More
This has been a busy week. And we had so many appointments today that I had to drive to our boys’ school five times to pick people up, drop them back off, then pick them up at the end of the day.So by mid-afternoon I was tired. And as I parkedRead More
I used to let our sons wear whatever they wanted for school picture day. But somewhere along the way I realized that it’s the only day of the year we have a professional photo taken, so…well…maybe they should wear something nicer than a Star Wars T-shirt.I know what you’re thinking:Read More
I used to dread nights when my husband worked late. Feeding everyone and getting everyone to bed in a timely way alone seemed extra stressful, especially once homework arrived on the scene.One night six years ago or so when we just had Leo, I remember asking my parents to driveRead More
It’s 2016. So our sons rarely get mail. In fact, if you take out the bills and the ads and the Amazon packages full of chicken soup, John and I don’t get much either.Many nights I almost forget to check the mailbox, and my husband pulls it out when heRead More
Our first grader had two birthday parties to attend in the same day. We could have said no to either or both, but our little guy loves spending time with his friends.I was fairly sure we could make it happen, but I was a little anxious about the time thatRead More
Christmas is coming, and unless you managed to find all your gifts on the 70-percent-off rack after Halloween, you might still have some shopping to do. I only found presents for two of my nieces in the Halloween clearance piles, so I will be shopping, too.But we have just hadRead More
So I like throwing birthday parties at home. I really do. I like planning games and decorating and making themed food and all the rest. But a birthday two weeks before Christmas brings an extra challenge. So this year we had Daniel’s party at a kung fu place, and theRead More
The Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland proudly announced their 2006 – 2007 Winter Sports All-Stars. The Catholic Review is proud to list those female athletes representing our Catholic High Schools.Read More
Kimberly Hartman has been eagerly planning her June wedding for months now and after searching through typical father-daughter wedding songs, she and her parents decided on Heartland’s “I loved her first.” It is tradition for the father of the bride to dance with his daughter on her wedding day. This is the last dance that...Read More
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Rich Halvorson is counting on 10 million Americans to fast with him Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21, and to donate the money they would have spent on food to what he terms “highly efficient” charities. Mr. Halvorson, a 25-year-old Catholic from Boise, Idaho, believes the donations could reach $50 million. The charities he’s...Read More