Steward Beckham So, you’re a high school freshman a week into the school year, huh? Someone try to sell you an elevator pass yet? Not everyone is out to get you. Take Mount St. Joseph senior Steward Beckham for instance. He wrote the guide for freshmen below. Check it out. It might help you out....Read More
By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review We say some prayers so quickly, sometimes we get to the end of the prayer and think, “What did I just say?” Prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary, if the domestic church is alive and strong, we learned from our parents – or even from...Read More
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Rich Halvorson is counting on 10 million Americans to fast with him Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21, and to donate the money they would have spent on food to what he terms “highly efficient” charities. Mr. Halvorson, a 25-year-old Catholic from Boise, Idaho, believes the donations could reach $50 million. The charities he’s...Read More
WASHINGTON – A wave of teenage – and preteen – lobbyists descended upon Washington Jan. 31 to make the legislative case for Catholic schools on a variety of issues, including educational choice. They were Catholic school students themselves and were at the Capitol for the annual National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, part of the...Read More
By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review “Silent Night” and “O, Come, All Ye Faithful” in the middle of October? Christmas carols would be liturgically inappropriate, if not for the location of our Mass this morning. We celebrated using the readings from the Christmas Mass at Midnight in a small chapel, said by tradition to have...Read More
MADRID – Here is what Pope Benedict had to say to the more than one million young people in Madrid Aug. 19. Dear Young Friends, It is a great joy for me to meet you here in the heart of this lovely city of Madrid, whose keys the Lord Mayor has kindly presented me. Today...Read More
As I am wrapping up the Millennial series for The Catholic Review, I thought it would be nice to share more from my notes. First up is a question and answer session I did with Lauren Aroyo, youth minister at St. Joseph in Fullerton. Matt Palmer: What do you think the state of teenage faith...Read More