By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review Saturday, on the road from Jerusalem and Jericho in Israel to Petra, in Jordan, our intrepid pilgrims stopped by the Jordan River and the place where John the Baptist is believed to have baptized our Lord. The site where the actual baptism probably took place has the ruins of...Read More
Introduction: In the nine days leading up to Thanksgiving I will share a novena of prayers, reflections, and music selections that may enhance the celebration of this special day with your family and friends. Day 6: Today I will share a prayer for persons and families who mourn and grieve the loss ofRead More
The late timing for this year’s fourth Thursday of November finds us just cleaning up from the Thanksgiving feast as we rush to dust off the Advent wreath. The new liturgical year starts this weekend with this sacred season of waiting and preparation. The first Sunday is Advent commences with theRead More