By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review We say some prayers so quickly, sometimes we get to the end of the prayer and think, “What did I just say?” Prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary, if the domestic church is alive and strong, we learned from our parents – or even from...Read More
By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review “On entering the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed. He said to them, ‘Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the...Read More
Introduction: In the nine days leading up to Thanksgiving I will share a novena of prayers, reflections, and music selections that may enhance the celebration of this special day with your family and friends. Day 6: Today I will share a prayer for persons and families who mourn and grieve the loss ofRead More
The issue of bullying has received a great deal of public attention, spurred by the heartbreaking consequences of cases that garnered national media coverage.Read More
Summer is over. There I said it. Now that we’ve gotten past that, it’s time to embrace the fact that school is back in session or will be soon.As I revealed in my last post, even teachers are somewhat reluctant when the end of August rolls around. But one ofRead More
ANNAPOLIS – The House Judiciary Committee and the House Health and Government Operations Committee voted Feb. 14 to send Gov. Martin O’Malley’s same-sex marriage bill to the floor.Read More
How many of us have risen from the dead? How many of us have gone on when we didn’t think we could go on? If you’ve lost a loved one through death, separation or divorce, you know about death. The annual conference sponsored by the Catholic Single Again Council of Baltimore is about new life.Read More