St. Wolfgang

St. Wolfgang was born in Swabia, Germany, in 924. This Benedictine monk was a teacher and director of an abbey school; he also served as abbey prior in 970. He evangelized in what is now Hungary and lived as a missionary in Pannonia. The priest became bishop of what is now Regensberg, Germany, in 972....
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St. Abraham of Rostov

St. Abraham of Rostov was born in the 10th century in Russia. He converted to Christianity in his youth after being cured from illness through prayer. He became a monk, evangelized and became a preacher in Rostov, Russia. According to a legend, Abraham received a staff from a vision of St. John the Divine so...
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St. Simon the Apostle

St. Simon the Apostle was a convert who learned from St. Peter the Apostle. This saint evangelized in Mesopotamia and Egypt. According to some traditions, he also evangelized elsewhere. The saint was martyred, but sources do not agree on where or how he died. One story says that while in Persia, he was cut in...
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St. Frumentius

St. Frumentius was born circa the fourth century in what is now Lebanon. While on a sea trip, his ship wrecked on the shore of Ethiopia. St. Frumentius and his brother, St. Aedeius, were the only ones to survive. The brothers were taken to the king, who made them members of the court. After the...
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St. Quodvultdeus

St. Quodvultdeus was born in the late fourth century. He became a deacon circa 421 and was a friend and spiritual student of St. Augustine of Hippo. Carthage, where St. Quodvultdeus was serving as bishop, was invaded by Arians. After the invasion, the saint and his priests wee sent into exile by ship. The vessel...
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Ss. Chrysanthus and Daria

Ss. Chrysanthus and Daria, a married couple, lived in the third century. They were very fervent about being Christian. They were martyred by being stoned to death circa 283 under Numerian and Carinus. They are patron saints of Salzburg, Austria.
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St. Anthony Mary Claret

St. Anthony Mary Claret was born Dec. 23, 1807, in Catalonia, Spain. Ordained in June 1835, he served as a missionary in Catalonia and the Canary Islands. He founded the congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) and the Teaching Sisters of Mary Immaculate. The saint became archbishop of Santiago de...
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St. John of Capistrano

St. John of Capistrano was born in Italy in 1386. He studied law and became a lawyer in Naples, Italy. However, when Perugia and Malatesta went to war in 1416, St. John became a prisoner after trying to broker peace. The saint later became a Franciscan in October 1416 and a disciple of St. Bernadine...
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St. Mark

St. Mark was the first bishop of Jerusalem who was not descended from a Jewish family. It is said that he was martyred after about 20 years.
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St. Luke the Apostle

St. Luke the Apostle was a physician who became one of the first converts to Christianity. According to legend, he was a painter who may have completed portraits of Jesus and Mary. After meeting St. Paul, the two evangelized Greece and Rome. St. Luke wrote the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the...
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St. Ignatius of Antioch

St. Ignatius of Antioch was born circa the year 50 in Syria. He converted to Christianity and eventually become the bishop of Antioch, Syria. He served during the persecutions of Domitian and Trajan. The latter ordered that St. Ignatius be killed by wild animals in Rome. The trip to Rome took months, during which the...
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St. Theophilus

St. Theophilus lived circa 181. Although he intended to read Scriptures in order to attack Christianity, he converted. He was an apologist who wrote three books. The saint developed the doctrine of Logos (Word) and the word Triad to describe the relationship of the three persons in one God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit....
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