Today is the feast of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas), a holy day of obligation. This feast celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Merry Christmas!Read More
St. Winebald, along with brothers St. Willibald and St. Walburga, was a son of St. Richard the King. He made a pilgrimage from his homeland of England to the Holy Land. However, he became ill and lived in Rome for seven years to recover and study. After returning to England, he went to Germany with...Read More
St. Adelaide, the daughter of a king of Upper Burgundy, had an arranged marriage. At 16, she married the man who became a king of Italy. He died in 950. She married Otto the Great in 951, and he became emperor in 952. When Otto died in 973, his son, Otto II, became emperor. Otto...Read More
As cold, wintry winds whipped across the former farmland where the grand brick church now stands, some 700 people huddled in front of the $6 million structure and strained to watch Bishop Malooly accept the keys and construction documents of the new church. Festooned in brightly colored capes and feathered caps, members of sword-bearing Knights...Read More
St. Valerian was born circa 377. He served as a bishop in Africa. He refused to give sacred vessels to vandals who demanded them; they left him in the street to die circa 457.Read More
Peter Boyle, who was once a Christian Brother before he pursued a career in acting, died Dec. 12 at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Boyle, 71, had been suffering from multiple myeloma and heart disease. Boyle became familiar to U.S. television audiences as perpetually cranky Frank Barone, the father of Ray Barone, on the sitcom "Everybody...Read More
St. John of the Cross was born in Spain in 1542. He became a Lay Carmelite brother at age 21 and a Carmelite priest at age 25. Following the advice of St. Teresa of Avila, he began the Discalced reforms in his order. His changes aided in the revitalization of his order. He died Dec....Read More
Today is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The feast honors the Blessed Virgin Mary’s apparitions to Juan Diego in December 1531 in Mexico. Our Lady of Guadalupe is patron saint of Mexico and the Americas in general.Read More
St. Damasus I was born circa 306 in Rome. A priest, he was elected the 37th pope in 366. This election also saw the rise of anti-pope Ursinus. The pope was opposed to Arianism and Apollinarianism. He commissioned St. Jerome to do a translation of Scripture, which is now called the Vulgate. Damsus restored shrines,...Read More
St. Juan Diego was born in Cuauhtitlan (in modern-day Mexico) in 1474. This poor farm worker converted to Christianity when he was about 50 years old. The Virgin Mary appeared to him at Guadalupe in December 1531. This image of her became known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. He died in 1548. Juan Diego was...Read More
Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast honors the Virgin Mary, who was conceived without original sin. Pope Pius IX declared the Immaculate Conception to be an official dogma of the Catholic Church in 1854. It is a holy day of obligation.Read More