HARTFORD, Conn. – About 5,000 people gathered outside Connecticut’s state Capitol in Hartford March 11 to protest a bill – pulled from the Legislature the previous day – that would have given laypeople financial control of their parishes.Read More
St. John Regional Catholic School in Frederick was scheduled to receive a Summit Award March 12 from the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce.Read More
Julian Bower’s letter, “Why non-Catholics in Catholic schools” (CR, Feb. 26), raises a legitimate point, if properly understood. Given the extreme financial challenges facing our parochial and other Catholic schools, should we be “subsidizing” the education of non-Catholics who, in many cases, wish to escape underperforming public schools by enrolling in a Catholic school? After...Read More
Many critics of Pope Benedict XVI’s action lifting the excommunication of the four schismatic bishops of the Society of St. Pius X, including Bishop Richard Williamson, were uninformed about the pope’s duties to the Catholic Church. The unity of the universal church is the pope’s innate and paramount responsibility. The revocation of the excommunication to...Read More
Three executives at St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson have taken administrative leave while the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services investigates a physician group and its financial relationship with the hospital.Read More
WASHINGTON – A public park that displays a Ten Commandments monument is not legally required to accept another religious monument under the free speech clause of the First Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Feb. 25.Read More
As Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore began the Lenten season by receiving ashes on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien encouraged them to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well.Read More
When Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien asked local businessman Frank Bramble to chair a blue-ribbon committee to save Catholic schools, he told him to find the keenest minds to make up the panel.Read More