Henry H. Lewis, the man who founded a construction company that erected more buildings in the Archdiocese of Baltimore than any other in recent decades, died April 16.Read More
LAHORE, Pakistan – Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha of Lahore has written to the country’s president and prime minister expressing concern over a regulation that allowed Islamic law to be implemented in northwestern Pakistan.Read More
In his column, "Obama's invitation to talk," (CR, April 16) Father Eugene Hemrick fails to come to grips with what is truly at issue concerning President Obama's speaking at Notre Dame University.Read More
ALBANY, N.Y. – Reaffirming an earlier statement outlining their reasons for opposing any change in the legal definition of marriage, the Catholic bishops of New York state called for the defeat of legislation proposed by New York Gov. David A. Paterson to permit same-sex marriages.Read More
VATICAN CITY – The Vatican has deplored a Belgian parliamentary resolution that criticized Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks about condoms and AIDS prevention.Read More
There has been much coverage concerning the decision of the University of Notre Dame to not only invite President Obama to speak at its 2009 commencement ceremony but also bestow on him an honorary doctor of laws degree from the university. I fail to understand how this so-called Catholic university can justify its decision to...Read More
Concerning the flap about inviting and honoring President Barack Obama at Notre Dame, I was disappointed with Father Reese’s comparison to Cardinal Egan. Father Reese neglected to mention that the Al Smith Dinner was not an occasion to bestow an honor, and that Notre Dame is bestowing an honorary doctorate degree on the president. The...Read More
While the church does oppose the death penalty except in the gravest of circumstances, I disagree with Patrick Weadon’s assertions in his letter (CR, April 2) regarding President Barack Obama speaking at Notre Dame. He is implying that President (then Governor) Bush’s presiding over lawful executions is the immoral equivalent of President Obama’s blatant support...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Some 1,800 Franciscan friars from all over the world were expected to converge on the Umbrian hill town of Assisi, Italy, to celebrate the 800th anniversary of papal approval of the Franciscan rule.Read More
Two bills that the Maryland Catholic Conference believes could undermine respect for human sexuality are advancing in the final days of the Maryland General Assembly.Read More
I was pleased by parts of Patrick Weadon’s letter (CR, April 2), yet I came to a different conclusion than he. I was glad to see a couple statements in his letter: one emphasizing opposition to capital punishment, and another that “Obama’s refusal to protect the unborn is morally wrong.” Also further, that President Obama...Read More
Every Easter Vigil, deacons throughout the archdiocese face one of the most challenging yet spiritually rewarding duties of their ministry: chanting the Exsultet.Read More