This week’s edition of The Catholic Review features a touching story on Matthew Slattery’s friends who have decorated trees for the Kennedy Krieger Institute benefit, The Festival of Trees. St. Joseph School students decorated a tree for Kennedy Krieger’s annual Festival of Trees. (Courtesy Kennedy Krieger) Matthew was in a horrific crash with his family. His mother...Read More
Father John Hurley and the staff of Division of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Father John Hurley, a Paulist, has been a busy man since starting the Department of Evangelization five months ago. Through it all, though, the executive director of the department has made it his mission to be out with the people, particularly...Read More
I posted Molly’s message earlier. Here is a Youtube clip I put together with the audio of her speech. The image comes courtesy of Sean Comber, a young adult from Pius X. Thanks, Sean! [youtube=]Read More
Father T. Austin Murphy Jr, director of vocations, delivered a homily about a surprising hero of his. It was a fitting end to this busy, but affirming weekend in Ocean City. [youtube=]Read More
Just got word that the teens and adults here gave of themselves financially, as well as spiritually this weekend. Catholic Relief Service’s Sudanese efforts will receive $1,300 as a result of donations today.Read More
Molly Sinnott of Crofton’s St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish is the real deal. She just talked to the BYCC crowd about her mission experiences in Guatemala and the real life heroes living there. She then shared her thoughts on being a teen hero. The five-foot-two Sinnott got people stirring with the following: “We can’t do...Read More
Brad Farmer is delivering a Catholic pep talk to BYCC teens that would make a high school football coach jealous. He’s going full Uncle Ben Parker right now, talking about the responsibilty of being a Catholic teen hero. Who will become Spider-Man after this weekend? “You know your jobs, superheroes. Become who you were created...Read More
The last day of BYCC is here. I can already hear teens moving about the hallways as they prepare to head downstairs for breakfast. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen 500 teens pray the rosary under the moonlight at the beach. Surrounded by candles, the teens took to the sand last evening (Nov. 20) in...Read More
Here are a few photos from the Boardwalk and the prayer service on the beach Nov. 20. It was a spectacular setting. [slideshow id=2233785415201912021&w=426&h=320]Read More
Keynote presenters APeX Ministries are talented guys who can get you laughing one minute and pondering theologically in the next. I wanted to share some video flavor from their presentations so far. [youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=]Read More
Just had to share this. It’s a St. Paul hero trading card. Catholic Review photographer Owen Sweeney thinks George Lucas is already preparing a lawsuit. I’ll see if there’s a St. Peter Admiral Ackbar card.Read More
I’ll be writing more about this later, but Bob McCarty of the the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry is conducting a workshop right now that has kids engaged. It’s absolutely packed here. McCarty said disciples are called to step up. Disciples don’t hide. They step out. It’s an interesting challenge and refresher for teens...Read More