Change can revitalize an organization. It’s not worth changing things just for the sake of change, but when faced with a real need, organizations must embrace the challenge. The Catholic Review and its parent company, The Cathedral Foundation Inc., have begun a strategic planning process to chart a path for the next three to five...Read More
RICHMOND, Va. – A federal judge in Virginia ruled Dec. 13 that the health reform law’s requirement that all Americans obtain health insurance or face penalties is an unconstitutional expansion of government power.Read More
Here is a video report I shot, edited and reported on for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Be sure to watch for the child at the end. [youtube=]Read More
Here is a report from Baltimore on the Dec. 12 feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. You’ll get a feel for the sights and sounds of the day. [youtube=]Read More
Brannan Family (St. Joseph Medical Center Photo) Dr. Scott Brannan, an emergency physician at St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, is back on the job after spending half a year at a U.S. combat hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The commander in the U.S. Naval Reserves and his medical team treated wounded U.S. and coalition soldiers;...Read More
The Salt Lake Tribune has a nice piece in the Dec. 11 issue looking at scrupulosity, a psychological disorder that drives sufferers to worry obsessively about sin. Sometimes called the ‘doubting disease,’ the condition plagues many religious-minded people of all denominations. A snip… Though it has been described for centuries in Catholic literature and afflicted saints such...Read More
Although not related to the Archdiocese of Baltimore, this video was too impressive to not share with you. St. John Vianney Catholic School seventh graders in Kailua, Hawai won the grand prize of the 2010 Multi-Media Youth Arts Contest sponsored by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD is a program that aims to...Read More
A tapestry at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore commemorates a performance by John Philip Sousa in the 1880s. The concert benefitted a new Baltimore hospital built by the Sisters of Mercy. (Mercy Medical Center Photo/Kevin Parks) Nuns with a good cause are generally unstoppable. Consider this fascinating story I learned Dec. 9 while on a...Read More
On Dec.13 a fundraiser will be held at Bob Evans at 14 Belair South Pkwy. from 4 to 9 p.m. to support the charitable giving of the Bel Air Knights of Columbus Knights Ladies. Santa will be visiting from 4 to 8 p.m. For information call Pat at 410-879-5872.Read More
WASHINGTON – Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta has been named to succeed Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York as moderator of Jewish affairs for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, effective Dec. 12.Read More
Check out this cool CR ‘blog preview’ put together by my good friend, Matt Palmer. (Take a good look at the credits. Gotta love our casting director!) [youtube=]Read More