As the world awaits the results of a referendum on independence in Southern Sudan, some believe the creation of a new African nation was predicted in the Bible. From the AP: For some south Sudanese Christians, their opportunity to vote for independence from the largely Muslim north is more than a condition of a peace accord ending a...Read More
In case you missed it, a Brazilian boy gave the Swiss Guard the slip at Pope Benedict XVI’s Wednesday general audience in Rome. It seems the youngster was looking for a hug and a blessing. [youtube=]Read More
Sister Marlene Weisenbeck (National Catholic Reporter Photo) Sister Marlene Weisenbeck, a critic of the Vatican’s apostolic visitation of American religious sisters, has been picked by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The appointment was announced today. ?According to a Feb. 4 White House release, the advisory council “brings...Read More
Providence Sister Jean Kenny, left, has predicted the outcome of the Super Bowl since 1986. She is pictured in 2008 at Lucas Oil Stadium with Providence Sisters Barbara McClelland, center, and Rita Wade. (Criterion File photo) Here’s some news Baltimore Ravens’ fans will love. Providence Sister Jean Kenny, a nationally known Super Bowl prognosticator, is...Read More
St. Augustine Bishop Victor B. Galeone is shown in his Baltimore days. (Catholic Review file photo) In the course of more than 13 years writing for The Catholic Review, I’ve interviewed thousands of people. Only one asked to begin with a prayer. Monsignor Victor B. Galeone had just returned to Maryland in 2000 after leading a...Read More
Photo from You’d be hard-pressed to find a bigger star emerge from Baltimore than Babe Ruth. Born George Herman Ruth on Feb. 6, 1895, “The Babe” is the measuring stick for athletic stars. The Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum is hosting a party for him on his 111th birthday. Ruth died decades ago, but...Read More
Photo courtesy of I found this National Catholic Reporter column, posted on Jesuit Father James Martin’s Facebook wall, to be interesting. It examines if the church is rushing the potential sainthood of Pope John Paul II and the logic behind the sainthood push just a few years after his death. His May beatifcation certainly...Read More
Not everyone is pleased with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ decision to extend the academic calendar by 20 days in its Catholic elementary schools. Ava Baldwin, a former presdent of the Parent Teacher Organization at St. Joseph Elementary School, says any lengthening of the school year should be made after consulting with parents. “The vast...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Church leaders were watching the unfolding political drama in Egypt with a mixture of hope for reform and concern over potential violence, said the head of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land.Read More
Cardinal Roger Mahony announced last week that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is extending the school year for Catholic elementary schools by 20 days. The Tidings, official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has the story: At a time when California public schools have fewer instructional days due to the state budget crisis, Catholic...Read More
Major news out of Baltimore. A federal court just struck down a Baltimore law that required the posting of specific signs at pro-life pregnancy centers . Here’s a clip from a story I just finished for The Catholic Review: ?U.S. District Court Judge Marvin J. Garbis ruled Jan. 28 in Baltimore that it is unconstitutional to require pro-life pregnancy centers to...Read More