Sister Cecilia Adorni (Left) dances on her 103rd birthday (credit: CBS 2) Born into a Polish and Czech family, I’ve danced plenty of polkas in my life. I’m hoping I’m as good as Sister Cecilia Adorni when I’m 103. The Connecticut nun just celebrated her 103rd birthday by dancing a lively polka at the nursing...Read More
Father Augustus Tolton, the first African-American priest, took a step closer to sainthood this week when Chicago Cardinal Francis George announced that the priest’s sainthood cause has been introduced in the Archdiocese of Chicago. According to an archdiocesan press release, the cardinal will appoint a historical commission to assemble the facts about Father Tolton’s heroic virtues. Some time...Read More
Charlestown residents are on the go! In May of 2000, I interviewed the now deceased Father Bernard S. Bak about his role as a retired priest in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. “Retired? You mean re-hired!” quipped the then 78-year-old priest. The clergyman’s point was that even in retirement, he was as busy as ever, celebrating...Read More
One of the underappreciated jobs for those of us in the news business is writing headlines. Sometimes it’s fun, as when we get to write clever little puns, such as “Love and Loyola go hand in hand,” over a story about Loyola University alums renewing their marriage vows; it accompanied a photo of couples holding...Read More
WASHINGTON – The U.S. bishops’ Office of General Counsel said the Obama administration’s decision to no longer support the Defense of Marriage Act in legal challenges ahead “represents an abdication” of its “constitutional obligation to ensure that laws of the United States are faithfully executed.”Read More
It seems that what’s now known as “traditional marriage” can’t get a break these days. At the same time Maryland is on the verge of legalizing same-sex marriage (see this story about how some local Catholics feel about that), the Obama administration announced today that it has instructed the Department of Justice to stop defending the Defense...Read More
A touching story from The Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Washington. Lying in a hospital bed, his heart failing, Allan Wood met a priest. The two were sharing a room at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center when Wood discerned the priest’s Dutch accent. They struck up a conversation, and soon these two men, ages 89 and 88, uncovered...Read More
VATICAN CITY – The Vatican released a three-day schedule of events for the beatification of Pope John Paul II, and warned against people selling counterfeit tickets to the beatification liturgy, which is free and open to all.Read More
GREEN BAY, Wis. – Bishop David L. Ricken of Green Bay has reinstated the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development in his diocese and established a new diocesan commission that will be in charge of teaching about and implementing Catholic social teaching.Read More
Catholics from across the archdiocese will converge on Annapolis this President’s Day, Feb. 21, to learn about legislative issues facing the Maryland General Assembly and to meet their lawmakers.Read More
On a 7-4 vote, the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee agreed to send a bill legalizing same-sex marriage to the Senate floor. The full chamber is expected to debate the measure the week of Feb. 21, with the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) projecting a final vote to take place Feb. 28. In a written statement...Read More
(Getty Images) A model walks the runway at the Wayne Fall 2011 fashion week during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at Milk Studios on February 10, 2011 in New York City. Those who care about such things are abuzz that a modern fashion trend seems to be taking cues from some of the world’s oldest forms of clothing...Read More