The Archdiocese of Baltimore honored 61 top Catholic high school seniors at the 19th annual Distinctive Scholars Convocation at Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn April 14. The top three seniors (and ties) in grade point average at their respective schools received certificates of distinction from Barbara McGraw Edmondson, superintendent of Catholic schools.Read More
In this undated file photo, Archbishop William Donald Borders meets with Baltimore Mayor William Donald Schaefer at the Inner Harbor. (CR/File) Is is mere coincidence that William Donald Schaefer – the legendary Baltimore City councilman, mayor, Maryland governor and comptroller – died almost exactly one year after Archbishop William Donald Borders? The two namesakes were...Read More
How far would you go for your faith? That was the question facing Archdiocese of Baltimore young people April 16, as they embarked on the 18th annual pilgrimage. They walked several miles through Baltimore City streets through storms and the threat of a tornado, carrying a cross. The Catholic youth and young adults showed that...Read More
MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Benigno Aquino said he is willing to risk excommunication from the Catholic Church rather than scrap the so-called Responsible Parenthood Bill, reported the Asian church news agency UCA News.Read More
Last Thursday's issue of The Catholic Review reported on the 150th anniversary of the Pratt Street Riot in Baltimore, a bitter conflict that resulted in the first blood spilled in the Civil War.The city officially commemorated that event with a procession along Pratt Street this morning. I had a chanceRead More
Ever wonder how your federal tax dollars are really spent? Third Way, a Washington think tank, has come up with a “Federal Tax Receipt Calculator” to help taxpayers discover where their money goes – right down to the last penny. It’s an absolutely fascinating idea. You simply enter your federal tax bill and an instant...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI has decided the collection taken up at his Holy Thursday evening Mass will be used to help those affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in northeast Japan.Read More
Days after Confederate forces in South Carolina captured Fort Sumter without any casualties, the first bloodshed in the Civil War happened in Baltimore on April 19, 1861.Read More
On April 15, 2010, I completed an eight-night stay in St. Marc, Haiti, with Rodrigue Mortel, deacon, obstetrician and local hero to the children of The Good Samaritans School and their families. On my first morning there, ebullient to be in the presence of a man who embodies the living faith and the hundreds he inspires, I dashed...Read More
In the next few days you’ll see a story on, site of the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s newspaper, about Maryvale Preparatory School implementing a new Apple iPad program in which students will be getting an iPad 2 in the fall. For now, check out this video of the presentation that took place April 13. Pretty...Read More
Father Brian Nolan As some of you know, I’m working on a series of articles for The Catholic Review (The Archdiocese of Baltimore’s newspaper) on the Millennial Generation. The first story served as an introduction to the Millennials, an often misunderstood group once called Generation Y. The next part in the series is slated to...Read More
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Father Dietzen, Question and Answer columnist (CR, March 31). I sometimes passed over articles by archbishops and even the pope himself, but I would never think of discarding the latest issue of The Catholic Review without first reading Father Dietzen’s column. He was that good! On...Read More