Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien will ordain four men to the transitional diaconate during a 10 a.m. Mass May 21 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland. The transitional diaconate is the final step on the journey to the priesthood.Read More
Father Blair Raum (CR File Photo) This little anecdote has been sitting in my notebook since March 17, so it’s about time I shared it with you. It comes from a story recounted by Redemptorist Father John Murray during his St. Patty’s Day homily at St. Patrick in Fells Point. Father Murray remembered that not...Read More
The Rev. Jim Moats, pastor of Christian Bible Fellowship Church in Newvilleand, Pa., told his local newspaper a stirring story about his service as a Navy SEAL during the Vietnam War. An expert swimmer, he said he had been asked to sign up for one of the underwater demolition teams. He endured brutal physical training to become a SEAL...Read More
A Catholic priest will succeed a Catholic priest as the next chaplain of the House of Representatives. House Speaker John Boehner has picked Jesuit Father Patrick Conroy, former chaplain at Georgetown University, to take over for Father Daniel Coughlin. USA Today has more. Conroy, a Jesuit ordained in 1983, has done stints as a parish priest in his native...Read More
Archdiocese of Baltimore students are ushering in the age of the robot. Five members of Mount St. Joseph High School’s robotics class won the Maryland State Championship.Read More
Matt Palmer, staff writer for The Catholic Review, earned an award of excellence from the Associated Church Press in a journalism competition sponsored by the organization.Read More
In a move Archdiocese of Baltimore officials believe will create a more cohesive school system, all archdiocesan Catholic elementary schools will open on the same day – Aug. 29.Read More
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. (White House photo) The New York Times is reporting that as U.S. military forces began their mission to...Read More
Last week, I covered a town meeting in Cumberland regarding the future of parishes in the area. A proposal will be presented to Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien that would unite the parishes into a new faith community with a new name and a single pastoral staff. Cumberland’s St. Mary, St. Patrick and Ss. Peter and...Read More
Though Karol Wojtyla spent the better part of his life and priesthood in Poland, his cause for beatification was led by the Diocese of Rome, which he led as bishop for more than a quarter century. Today, the beatification rite will be led by Cardinal Agostino Vallini, Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome. At...Read More
A dawn of a new day and throngs are heading to St. Peter’s Square. Singing, waving flags and generally being tolerant of the direction of the gendarmes and carabinieri who point the way. Some try for a short cut, only to be pointed back the way they came when they hit another blocked street. From...Read More
ASSISI, Italy – A lot of people think they can’t be holy. They believe they cannot get close enough to Jesus because they didn’t live in his time and can’t get to really know him. Father Richard Cash, of Fancy Farms, Ky., disagrees with that point of view. In the Basilica of St. Francis in...Read More