MADRID- Baltimore made it to Madrid for World Youth Day and there’s plenty to show. This is just a small taste (at over seven minutes) of the town. There are shots of the Baltimore pilgrims, but there are more to come. Enjoy!Read More
MADRID- I put together this video of the Catholic young people from around the world working their way through the beautiful city of Madrid. I hope you enjoy it. For the people of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, you’ll see some familiar faces.Read More
Madrid- I’m working on more video clips and a photo album. Let’s just say the hotel internet fees aren’tt worth all the Euros! Wait, I think they’re knocking at my door. They’re so worth it. So, the clips are uploading to Youtube now and hopefully they’ll be embedded while Americans back home in Maryland are...Read More
The young people are off on their own this morning (with chaperones, don’t worry mom and dad!), exploring this magical city of Madrid. We’re going to gather back here at the hotel at 6 p.m. our time so we can get ready for the opening Mass. You see World Youth Day signs everywhere here, so...Read More
Three cheers for Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, for reminding Governor O’Malley that Maryland is not New York (CR, Aug. 11). He should have also included California when talking about the definition of marriage. Since the dawn of time, regardless of what name is given to the union of man and woman, it is has meant...Read More
I made it to Madrid with the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s delegation for World Youth Day! I’ll be posting videos and audio very soon! Keep it here!Read More
Because the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a Monday this year, the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. The faithful, however, are encouraged to attend Mass on the Aug. 15 feast day.Read More
Be sure to tune into Comedy Central tonight to watch Jesuit Father James Martin make another of his hilarious appearances on the “Colbert Report.” Father Martin, culture editor of America Magazine, has become known as the “chaplain” to the Colbert Report. His appearances on the popular program are always a lot of fun. Tonight’s topic...Read More
WASHINGTON – The deaths of 30 U.S. service members and eight Afghanis in the crash of a U.S. military helicopter in Afghanistan are another “reminder of the terrible tragedy of war and its toll on all people,” said the head of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services.Read More
“Gov. backs same-sex marriage” (CR, July 28) did not challenge his claim that his Catholic school education allowed him to define the difference between a “ceremony in a courthouse and a sacrament as defined by organized religion.” Gov. Martin J. O’Malley appears to be not interested in what the citizens or God want. It was...Read More