Assumption getting short shrift

I find it irksome, even troubling, that we should choose to treat so cavalierly the feast day of his Mother on which God deigned to end World War II (Victory Over Japan Day, Aug. 15, 1945) and the socialist and totalitarian monstrosities of that period. Excuses are given for “moving” the feast of the Assumption,...
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Stop the moral decay

In Maryland, male and female couples are free to live in a communal relationship without benefit of a legal document of marriage and can obtain documents from the court giving them control of medical and financial decisions pertaining to their partner. A marriage license is not necessary.
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Religious definition of marriage not under attack

I am writing in response to Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien’s letter to Gov. Martin O’Malley concerning gay marriage. I was raised Catholic by a family that believes being gay is a sin. My legal beliefs, in the separation of church and state, that America is not a country that has second-class citizens and that treating...
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Treat everyone as if they were good

Todd Whitaker speaks Aug. 22 at the Convocation of Catholic Schools in Baltimore. (CR Staff/George P. Matysek Jr.) Do you know how you come across to others?  If you do, there’s a good chance you are highly effective in your job and other areas of your life.  If not, well, you might want to make...
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Welcome Matt World Youth Day audio archive

Check out homilies and teachings from Archbishop Dolan, World Youth Day attendees, music of the marchers and archdiocesan priests. It’s all here in mp3 format. Father Marty’s homily The Sounds of World Youth Day Archbishop Dolan’s first catechesis talk Mount de Sales Grace Woo Mount de Sales student Veronica Zoeckler
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(Audio) Mount de Sales students reflect on World Youth Day

Students from all-girls school Mount de Sales Academy attended World Youth Day in Madrid and I got to catch up with them after they met with Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien. They got to share their spiritual experiences, impressions and hopes for life after World Youth Day. Here are three separate audio files with their thoughts....
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(Video) Archbishop O’Brien and youth talk relativism, the pope and America

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien met with Archdiocese of Baltimore’s young pilgrims a few hours after Pope Benedict XVI’s closing Mass at World Youth Day. He asked the kids what they’ve learned, how they’ll change and what lessons Pope Benedict XVI imparted. He shared his own thoughts as well. Mount de Sales Academy was there as...
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Father Marty Nocchi’s homily in Avila

Father Martin Nocchi during his homily in Avila (Photo by Matt Palmer/The Catholic Review) Earlier today, I posted a video of Father Marty Nocchi learning a Dougie dance from kids at World Youth Day in Madrid. Well, there’s another side to Father Marty. He delivered a brief, strong homily to young people from Baltimore in...
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Tony, Tony, Tony turn around…

This is real short, but I thought I’d share it. Two nights ago, we were sitting in our hotel in Madrid during the last night before we left World Youth Day. St. Veronica’s young people had gone out to the city and were a few minutes late for a prayer gathering we were doing at...
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Can you teach a priest how to Dougie?

Yes, yes you can. Father Marty Nocchi, pastor of St. Ann parish in Hagerstown, Md, traveled with young people from his parish and the Archdiocese of Baltimore contingent. He celebrated Mass for the young people, offered prayers and even got down with his bad self. For those that don’t know, The Dougie is a hip...
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St. Patrick “badly damaged” in quake; closes indefinitely

St. Patrick Church in Fells Point has been deemed unsafe for use after sustaining major damage during the 5.9 magnitude earthquake felt in Baltimore Aug. 23.
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Kenyan court sentences three to death for 2009 murder of Irish priest

KERICHO, Kenya – A Kericho court has sentenced three people to death for the 2009 murder of Irish Kiltegan Father Jeremiah Roche.
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