Voucher-fueled enrollment boom in Indiana

A new school-voucher program in Indiana is prompting a spike in enrollment among Catholic schools that were once on the verge of closing. Bloomberg Businessweek has the scoop: Under a law signed in May by Gov. Mitch Daniels, more than 3,200 Indiana students are receiving vouchers to attend private schools. That number is expected to...
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The man behind the clerics

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, a former U.S. Army chaplain and former head of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, certainly can come across as a no-nonsense, “get to the point,” efficient sort of gentleman. But as my coworker George Matysek pointed out in a recent blog, the priest of 46 years also has a humorous...
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Man in the know thinks archbishop will be good fit for Holy Land

Bishop Denis J. Madden (second from right) joins archdiocesan leaders at an Aug. 29 press conference highlighting Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien's appointment to a Vatican office. (CR Photo/Bill McAllen) Bishop Denis J. Madden knows something about the Holy Land. From 1994-1996, Bishop Madden was the Director of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine office in Jerusalem...
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VIDEO REPORT: Archbishop O’Brien’s press conference on his new appointment

Here’s a Catholic Review video report on Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien’s appointment as pro-grand master of the Equestrian Order (Knights) of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. For insights into the archbishop’s unique sense of humor, click here. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv3p6ZudVng]  
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Archbishop O’Brien heading to Rome!

CR photo/Owen Sweeney III Congratulations to Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien!  Pope Benedict XVI today appointed the archbishop as Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.  Click here to read The Catholic Review’s coverage of the announcement and click here to read about the archbishop’s deep impact locally, nationally and internationally. ...
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Make sure you’re following Catholic Review today

Archbishop O'Brien concelebrates Mass in Madrid. Keep logged on to Catholicreview.org today for all the news on Archbishop O’Brien’s new appointment today. He’s leaving the Archdiocese of Baltimore for a huge position and The Review has all the scoops. Fellow bloggers Chris Gunty and George Matysek have the latest information. Follow their tweets on https://twitter.com/catholicreview...
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(Audio) Jo-Anne Rowney on using social media to reach people

Jo-Anne Rowney is young, but plays an important role in the Catholic Church in England. As communication director of the Diocese of Westminster, she helped reach people all over the world when Pope Benedict XVI visited last year. Social media made her a major player in the trip and people could follow the pope’s moves....
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(audio) Father Roderick on podcasting/social media at WYD

Netherlands priest Father Roderick Vonhögen has gained international acclaim for his podcasting and social media approach. If you want to hear from a priest who “gets it,” this is it. Check out this small sample of audio I recorded for The Catholic Review from his presentation during a panel at World Youth Day in Madrid.
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Teen video breaks down coming changes in the language of the liturgy

Here’s a nice, simple and direct summary of what’s happening with the new English translation of the Roman Missal.  There’s more to it than what this video offers, but it’s a good introduction.  Check out this story for a more detailed explanation from Father Richard Hilgartner, a Baltimore priest and director of the Secretariat for...
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(Video) Archbishop Dolan on the faith and logic debate

During one of the early days of World Youth Day, Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York talked about the importance of faith to pilgrims. It’s interesting how he mentioned faith’s opponents, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. Those two are just among many in popular culture who have found vehicles for their intellectual debates and rhetoric....
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(Video) The Musical Moments of World Youth Day in Madrid

Everywhere we turned, there was someone singing or playing music. It was an incredible experience and here’s a short compilation I put together for The Catholic Review of some random music moments during the 10 days.
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I’m missing my Madrid kids

It’s been two days since I’ve returned to my life in Baltimore. The days of World Youth Day in Madrid seem like a year ago now as I get back to the daily grind of work, but I just thought I’d let all the kids know I’m missing following them and sharing their stories with...
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