In this week’s Catholic Review, you’ll read about a group of Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy that has visited 18 U.S. cities to promote interfaith understanding and reconciliation. The “Caravan of Reconciliation” made a final stop at St. Katharine Drexel in Frederick Sept. 25, with Gov. Martin J. O’Malley giving the keynote address. Here’s a...Read More
DUBLIN ¬ The Dublin Archdiocese has admitted that money from parishes has been transferred into a special fund used to compensate victims of clerical sex abuse.Read More
I wonder again why the Catholic Campaign for Human Development continues to grant funds ($60,000) to organizations such as People Acting Together in Howard, “CCHD Grants Empower Poor” (CR, Sept. 1).Read More
Two letters (CR, Aug. 25) did not get their facts straight. “Who defines marriage?” purports that the Constitution bars religious input into the political process. Learn about Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black’s membership in the KKK and virulent anti-Catholicism; then read the Heritage Foundation’s 2006 analysis about the mythical wall of separation. If we reject...Read More
I would like to address Latia Stanley’s letter , “Who defines marriage?” (CR, Aug. 25). She approaches the issue of homosexual marriage from a liberal perspective and does not agree with the mixing of religious morality and legal definition. I would like to point her Romans 13:1-6, which states “Let everyone be subject to the...Read More
Archbishop Timothy Dolan's during his homily at the U.S. Mass in Madrid (Photo by Matt Palmer) Many people have asked me about the ability to download some of the audio files from Archbishop Dolan’s various catechesis sessions, homilies and question and answer sessions at World Youth Day. I’m happy to report that they are now...Read More
Peyton Manning (image from Earlier today, reporter Jay Glazer broke the news that Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning went to Europe for a non-embryonic stem-cell therapy. Glazer reported a desperate Manning underwent the procedure, not allowed in the U.S., to heal his ailing neck. The Super Bowl winning quarterback has since had surgery...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Visitors and pilgrims wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of modern Rome or the crush of tourists in the Vatican museums can now take a ride through the Vatican Gardens.Read More
NAIROBI, Kenya – Djibouti Bishop Giorgio Bertin, who oversees Catholics in neighboring Somalia, said he is happy that the ruins of Mogadishu’s only Catholic cathedral are housing hundreds of displaced Somalis.Read More
The Baltimore Holy Name Union will celebrate its 100th anniversary during the 41st annual National Holy Name Convention, to be held at the Tremont Plaza Hotel in Baltimore Sept. 21-24.Read More