The eight side entrance doorways at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen offer a offers a very good education in Catholic history and tradition. From “Who is God? God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all things,” to the “4 Cardinal Virtues – Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude,” these are some of the...Read More
Archbishop Philip M. Hannan as a seminarian at St. Charles College in Catonsville. (CR/File)A friend once referred to the late New Orleans Archbishop Philip M. Hannan as the “Forrest Gump of Catholicism.”Just like the Tom Hanks’ character, Archbishop Hannan always seemed to be at the right place at the rightRead More
A week ago, I profiled Church of the Nativity’s missions work, thanks to a conversation with director Brian Crook. Brian, at 26, is a young Catholic making a big difference in Timonium and way beyond. The parish has partnerships with Nigeria and Haiti and he’s been to both with pastor Father Michael White. He’s also...Read More
Two weeks ago, the Star Wars: The Complete Saga was released on Blu-ray DVD. All six live action movies, from 1977’s “A New Hope” to 2005’s Revenge of the Sith, have been included. During the last 14 years, Star Wars creator George Lucas has tinkered with the films during various re-releases of the films, from...Read More
NEW YORK – Jesuit Father John P. Schlegel, former president of Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., has been appointed publisher and president of America Press in New York, effective in November.Read More
On the weekend of Sept. 10-11, I attended a Mass at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen celebrated by Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski, who gave the best homily I’ve heard in a long time. Without engaging in vocal calisthenics, Bishop Rozanski presented a very clear explanation of the readings for the day based on the...Read More
ROME – The head of the Italian bishops’ conference condemned the “licentious behavior and improper relations” of Italy’s political class, in what was seen as the strongest church criticism to date of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI has transferred responsibility for two very precise administrative procedures from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments to the Roman Rota, a church court.Read More
“Hagerstown incorporates Tridentine Mass” (CR, Sept. 15) on the extraordinary form of the Mass at St. Mary in Hagerstown twice made the point that the celebrant had “his back to the congregation,” suggesting that somehow he is turning his back on the people. In this position, known as “Ad Orientum,” the priest and the people...Read More