During his time in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien has prominently supported medical professionals, whose conscience rights have been threatened on the federal and local level.Read More
Hate someone with a passion? Call them a Nazi. It’s not exactly a new thing, but people are tossing about the term willy nilly lately. In the end, it says more about the person saying it than the person they’re targeting. In an effort to criticize House Majority Leader John Boehner’s golf meeting with President...Read More
Deacon Michael Flamini prays at his May 17, 2003 ordination at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland. (CR File) When Redemptorist Father Robert Wojtek invited mourners to pray the Our Father at the end of a short prayer service the day before Deacon Michael Flamini was laid to rest, a beautiful cacophony emerged...Read More
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien celebrated Mass for a World Youth Day reunion Saturday at Mount de Sales and he shared an often humorous and touching story of how he heard about his new appointment as pro-grand master of the Equestrian Order (Knights) of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. Here’s the audio of that. Stay until...Read More
In this week’s Catholic Review, I wrote an obituary for Father Joseph Oppitz. One of the reasons I was enthusiastic about doing it was his tale of surviving a massive ship crash in the Atlantic. Here, in full, is his written recounting of nearly losing his life, thanks to the obituary on the Redemptorist site....Read More
VATICAN CITY – In the midst of major economic problems and continuing moral scandals, Italy’s prime minister was facing a confidence vote in parliament as Pope Benedict XVI called on Italian public officials to exercise their offices with dignity and responsibility.Read More
Unlike other articles in The Catholic Review that express love of God and God’s love for us, every one of Tony Magliano’s columns that I have read expresses his apparent dislike of the United States of America and its policies and actions over the last 200 years or so.Read More
Fifty-five years after he narrowly avoided losing his life on board a sinking ship, Father Joseph W. Oppitz died under the care of the Redemptorist order he joined as a young man.Read More
You’ll find a story on the Goodspeed brothers in this week’s version of The Catholic Review. Now, get to know them individually. Here are some question and answers I did with David Goodspeed. Each of the quadruplets got the same questions, so it’s interesting to see some differences and similarities. Matt: What was it like...Read More
You’ll find a story on the Goodspeed brothers in this week’s version of The Catholic Review. Now, get to know them individually. Here are some question and answers I did with Patrick Goodspeed. Each of the quadruplets got the same questions, so it’s interesting to see some differences and similarities. Matt: How did your parents...Read More
You’ll find a story on the Goodspeed brothers in this week’s version of The Catholic Review. Now, get to know them individually. Here are some question and answers I did with William Goodspeed. Each of the quadruplets got the same questions, so it’s interesting to see some differences and similarities. Matt: What was it like...Read More
You’ll find a story on the Goodspeed brothers in this week’s version of The Catholic Review. Now, get to know them individually. Here are some question and answers I did with John Goodspeed. Each of the quadruplets got the same questions, so it’s interesting to see some differences and similarities. Matt: What was it like...Read More