Loyola Blakefield’s football program readies for Turkey Bowl

Loyola Blakefield coach Brian Abbott is hoping for a Turkey Bowl victory. Yesterday, I shared some items on Calvert Hall’s rise as a football program. I have a story coming out in The Catholic Review about the Turkey Bowl this week, but wanted to share some tidbits from both Loyola Blakefield and Calvert Hall’s program...
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Calvert Hall football’s remarkable run

Donald Davis talks with his 2007 team. The Cardinals football program has come a long way since and has a chance to win its second consecutive MIAA A Conference title. Donald Davis knows that if he sat his players down four years ago and told them they were going to shut out perennial national and...
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Introducing the new translation of the Roman Missal can be fun?

Father Gerard Francik has the right approach to introducing the new English translation of the Roman Missal.  Instead of taking an “I-don’t-want-to-do-this-anymore-than-you-do” stance, the pastor of St. Mark in Fallston is encouraging his parishioners to embrace the translation as an opportunity to deepen their understanding and love of the Mass. Young St. Mark parishioners seem...
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Don’t forget our vets

Bishop F. Richard Spencer delivers the Veterans Day homily at St. Paul in Ellicott City, Nov. 11. (CR/Kathleen Lange) Auxiliary Bishop F. Richard Spencer of the Archdiocese for U.S. Military Services issued a powerful reminder at today’s Veterans Day Mass in Ellicott City that we must never forget the men and women who served our...
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Bishop Madden discusses goals for interfaith dialouge

Bishop Denis J. Madden celebrates an Oct. 28 Mass at the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy. (Courtesy Bishop Madden) Bishop Denis J. Madden, incoming chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, believes great progress has been made in reaching out to other faith leaders and promoting...
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Like the man in the song, Ken Hackett has been everywhere

Ken Hackett and I were passing time at Miami International Airport  Oct. 23, waiting for a connection to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, when I asked how many nations he had visited."It's easier," he said, "to list the ones I haven't been to."Hackett, a Peace Corps veteran, faithful employee of Baltimore-based Catholic Relief Services
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Like the man in the song, Ken Hackett has been everywhere

Ken Hackett and I were passing time at Miami International Airport  Oct. 23, waiting for a connection to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, when I asked how many nations he had visited. “It’s easier,” he said, “to list the ones I haven’t been to.” Hackett, a Peace Corps veteran, faithful employee of Baltimore-based Catholic Relief Services since 1972 and...
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Bishop Madden moved by interfaith gathering in Assisi

After participating in an Assisi pilgrimage of “truth and peace” with Pope Benedict XVI and 300 religious leaders, Bishop Denis J. Madden came away energized to promote the message of peace and understanding.
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Pope says prostitution, pornography threaten human dignity of women

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI called for an end to prostitution and pornography, saying the practices denigrate women and represent “a serious lack of humanity.”
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Go ahead and scrutinize military industial complex

I strongly disagree with two letters to the editor, (CR, Oct. 6), “Afghanistan realities” by Christopher Costello and “United States Bashing” by Richard Tedesco.
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Veterans have earned our support

For more than 230 years, our brave service men and women have underwritten our freedom by duty, honor and selfless service. Come Nov. 11, Americans everywhere will give pause on Veterans Day to honor our men and women who have served in the armed forces.
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(Audio) Bel Air middle schoolers reflect on Columbine, anti-bullying

It’s hard to imagine that today’s middle schoolers were barely alive when the Columbine incident happened in Colorado. It was such a big cultural moment. But, St. Margaret’s Catholic School in Bel Air is incorporating lessons learned 12 years ago about bullying to today’s classrooms. Check out my story in The Catholic Review to learn...
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