VATICAN CITY – A Catholic movement based in France has acknowledged with “humility and repentance” that acts of sexual abuse were committed by its founder and other important members of the organization.Read More
WASHINGTON – To address a shortage of priests in his nationwide eparchy, the Melkite Catholic bishop of Newton, Mass., is exploring the possibility of ordaining married men as priests.Read More
PHOENIX – Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted has issued new norms for the distribution of Communion in the Diocese of Phoenix that entrust to pastors the decision to make available Communion under both kinds in their parishes.Read More
I was extremely disappointed in the article (CR, Nov. 3) on the resignation of the pastor at Our Lady of the Fields. The Catechism defines detraction as one who, without objectively valid reason, discloses another’s faults and failings to persons who did not know them. While the parish certainly had a right to know about...Read More
The obituary (CR, Nov. 10) for Sister Francine McDermott failed to mention that she was the principal of Shrine of the Little Flower School in Baltimore, nor does it acknowledge the love and care with which she carried out that service. As a parent of children at Little Flower during her “reign” as principal, I...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI is making his second trip as pope to Africa, spending three days in Benin and presenting an important document on the future of the church on the continent.Read More
If this doesn’t get you fired up, nothing will. Father Matt Buening, pastor of St. Paul in Ellicott City, delivers this passionate homily to the 280 Archdiocese of Baltimore pilgrims last night at St. Ignatius in Ijamsville. Father Matt Buening passionate homily on eve of NCYC by The Welcome MattRead More
It’s 7:10 and we are boarding the bus here at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Essex. I’ve got my Pizza Johns adequate, but kind of overrated, pizza at my side. The 12-hour ride (am I underestimating??) will end in Indianapolis, but we’ll switch buses at St. Ignatius in Ijamsville. It’s go time. See you...Read More
Current Loyola University Maryland assistant director of campus ministry Kristin Witte and Brian Johnson of Galveston-Houston join Margaret Brogden and Scott Miller from Baltimore at 2009's NCYC. More than 250 people from the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be heading to Indianapolis, starting with a bus trip tonight, for the National Catholic Youth Conference. And people...Read More