Feast of Immaculate Conception Dec. 8

Parishes across the Archdiocese of Baltimore will mark the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Masses Dec. 8, a holy day of obligation. The feast celebrates that Mary, by special divine favor in anticipation of her role in salvation, was without sin from the moment she was conceived.
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CUA president pleased ruling confirms legality of single-sex dorms

WASHINGTON – John Garvey, president of The Catholic University of America, said he was “gratified” by the dismissal of a complaint filed against the university saying its single-sex dorms discriminated against women.
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Basilica Christmas concert to benefit senior housing

The Concert Artists of Baltimore, the Peabody Children’s Chorus and the Archbishop Curley High School Ringers Handbell Choir will be the featured performers at a Dec. 15 Christmas concert at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore.
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On World AIDS Day, Vatican renews call for greater access to therapy

VATICAN CITY – The deaths each year of more than a million people from AIDS, the suffering of their families and the new infections of hundreds of thousands of infants are unacceptable when the medicines needed to prevent them exist, a Vatican official said.
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Obama said to seek balance on contraceptive coverage, religious beliefs

WASHINGTON – A White House spokesman said the Obama administration is working to “strike the right balance between expanding coverage of preventive services and respecting religious beliefs” as it decides on a religious exemption to the mandate that all health plans cover contraceptives and sterilizations by Jan. 1, 2013.
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CHURCH CHATTER: Hunt Valley parishioner benefits Aquarium

Greg Pierce, a parishioner of the Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier in Hunt Valley, produced “Sea Notes,” a music CD that features songs written specifically for the National Aquarium in Baltimore’s exhibit “Jellies Invasion: Oceans Out of Balance.”
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Chinese priest ordained coadjutor with approval of Vatican, government

YIBIN, China – With police officers and dogs monitoring the crowd at St. Mary’s Church, Father Peter Luo Xuegang was ordained coadjutor bishop of Yibin Diocese in southwestern China’s Sichuan province.
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Youth ‘Focus’ on Vocations

A study conducted in the 1980s indicated that most priests and religious first seriously thought about ministry around the age of 11 and then again in their junior year of high school. Two years after that study, “Focus 11” was born. First instituted in the Archdiocese of Detroit, the program had two components: one aimed...
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Catholic High soph running from competition

If there is one thing that Elizabeth Gonzalez knows that she’s definitely good at, it is running. Running with a passion and a purpose is something that The Catholic High School sophomore started doing in elementary school.
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Precautions can make homes safer

If you are a senior in a home with poorly lit stairs, a bathtub without grab bars, or scatter rugs on the floor, be aware that more than more than 35 percent of fall-related hip fractures are fatal.
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Care for fellow man: a true Christmas story

I was the youngest of seven children. My father grew up in Frostburg in Western Maryland, and worked in the coal mines. In those days young men either stayed working in the mines or moved north to Pittsburgh. My father was the exception, moving east to Baltimore where he got a job as a purser...
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#Occupychurch- Start of an American faith revolution?

When I tackled the ramifications of the new Roman Missal translation, I pondered what it would mean for ex-Catholics or “fallaway Catholics.” Of course, there has been a split amongst Catholics who do attend church about the translations, which were implemented last week after months of preparations. It took a gigantic amount of effort and...
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