Mount de Sales’ Dominican Sisters Are An Inspiration

The Dominican Sisters, as I wrote in my Dec. 8 story for The Catholic Review, are one of the big reasons Mount de Sales Academy in Catonsville has become one of the most successful schools in the Baltimore area. The school, under the Dominicans, has invested in its Catholic identity and the school is now...
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Catholic Charities needs help to reach fundraising goal

When Kathleen Kirkpatrick arrived in Baltimore on a snowy day in January, she thought she was starting her life anew only to be faced with an unthinkable letdown.
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What’s in your yard?

Many Catholic Review readers have probably seen the TV commercial for a certain credit card whose slogan is, “What’s in your wallet?” As we approach the holy day of Christmas and we decorate the outside of our homes, perhaps we should ask “What’s in your yard?” Do your Christmas decorations tell your neighbors you are...
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Stress spiritual works of mercy

There was a time when disciples dedicated themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of the bread and prayer, with the result that the Church grew. Now is a time when bishops in the United States are gathered together wondering why the church in America has shrunk over the last 50 years. Could there...
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Thanks for Veterans Day coverage

Thank you for George Matysek’s excellent article, “Veterans Day Mass moves many” (CR, Nov. 17), and mention of the homily by Bishop F. Richard Spenc er at St. Paul’s in Ellicott City. We in the Catholic War Veterans of Maryland ( are grateful to the good bishop for administering to the chaplains throughout the world...
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St. Benedict parishioners in tune with Christmas

Parishioners of St. Benedict in Baltimore will take to the streets in song Dec. 18 as they go caroling through the neighborhood. They will be singing from 1 to 4 p.m. and will provide blessed Christmas cookies to all homes visited.
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Church should fear sin of members more than persecution, pope says

ROME – The church should fear the sin of its own members more than hatred against Christians, Pope Benedict XVI said.
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Archbishop Dolan defines human dignity as ‘primary doctrine’ of church

NOTRE DAME, Ind. – Calling the dignity of the human person “a primary doctrine” of the Catholic Church, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York told an audience at the University of Notre Dame Dec. 6 that it must prompt Catholics “to treat ourselves and others only with respect, love, honor and care.”
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Walsh quarterback deftly switches seasons

CUMBERLAND – Geno Taylor, the head football coach at Bishop Walsh School, was asked how it was able to field a team this year, with only 90 boys total in grades 9-12.
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A life-changing event

The National Catholic Youth Conference also known as NCYC was held in Indianapolis, Ind. The National Catholic Youth Conference is an exciting, three-day experience of prayer, community and empowerment for Catholic teenagers and adult chaperones. NCYC is open to high school age young people and the chaperones. Most participants are Catholic. Many youth participants are...
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Ellicott City catechist organizes outreach to Appalachia

ELLICOTT CITY – As friends and neighbors filled a 53-foot trailer parked outside of her house Dec. 3 with toys, clothes, food and furniture bound for West Virginia, Sarah Ciniero talked about growing up.
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