The National Catholic Youth Conference also known as NCYC was held in Indianapolis, Ind. The National Catholic Youth Conference is an exciting, three-day experience of prayer, community and empowerment for Catholic teenagers and adult chaperones. NCYC is open to high school age young people and the chaperones. Most participants are Catholic. Many youth participants are...Read More
MANCHESTER, England – Catholic medical professionals have questioned the reliability of a British review concluding that women who have abortions have no increased risk of developing mental health problems.Read More
Thinking globally isn’t just a catchphrase at Mercy High School. It’s a way of life. That has never been truer, as the school has started a Center for Global Education.Read More
SANTA MARIA, Philippines – In the early afternoon on a recent Saturday, an endless line of believers gathered at the altar of the Shrine of the Mother of the Eucharist and Grace.Read More
PEORIA, Ill. – Boxes wrapped in ribbon and a happy little boy are Christmas images, but the combination had another joyful meaning Dec. 11 during ceremonies closing the Diocese of Peoria’s inquiry into an alleged miraculous healing through the intercession of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.Read More
In response to Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien’s column, “Painful Lesson Learned” (CR, Nov. 24), I am grateful for his admission of the obvious similarities between the church and Penn State. I am grateful for the archbishop’s efforts to protect children in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. However, I take issue with his sweeping comments that credit...Read More
PARKVILLE – Two years ago, Deacon Russell Matthews was taking Communion to a homebound woman in a tough section of West Baltimore when he saw two teens walking in his direction.Read More
PHILADELPHIA – Three months after his installation, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia warned Catholics that the archdiocese faces “very serious financial and organizational issues that cannot be delayed.”Read More
WASHINGTON – An emotional pastoral letter to immigrants from the U.S. Hispanic and Latino Catholic bishops offers love, encouragement, welcome, sympathy and assurance that “you are not alone or forgotten.”Read More
Under a full moon on a cold, dark evening, they walked and prayed together, an estimated crowd of 600 people, holding candles and praying the rosary as they marched Dec. 10 from Mother Seton Church in Germantown to a nearby late-term abortion clinic.Read More