Knights of Fatima awards

The Knights of Columbus Council #10137 held their annual Police Officer and Teacher of the Year Awards Ceremony on Jan. 27 at Our Lady of Fatima, Baltimore.
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Armenian Catholics in Iraq get new archbishop

VATICAN CITY – For the first time in more than five years, the tiny Armenian Catholic community in Iraq has its own archbishop. The Vatican announced Jan. 26 that Pope Benedict XVI had given his assent to the Armenian Catholic bishops’ election of Father Emmanuel Dabbaghian, 73, as the Armenian Catholic archbishop of Baghdad. The...
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Humorous wedding stories

CR readers share a few amusing wedding anecdotes. Dorothy Williams, principal, St. Clare School, Essex “My husband and I were married on May 3, 1975, at Loyola College Chapel in Baltimore. It was a beautiful day and everything was going perfect …
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Catholic Charities Day in Annapolis

As Del. Steven J. DeBoy Sr. prepared for a busy day representing Baltimore and Howard counties in the Maryland General Assembly, a group of Catholic Charities employees ushered an ex-convict into his office. The Catholic state delegate and special investigator for the Howard County Police Department sized up 51-year-old Edwin Gregory of Baltimore as he...
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Public advocacy part of church work with immigrants

ST. PAUL – The church must supplement its ministerial programs with political advocacy if it is to meet the needs of the growing immigrant population in the United States, said Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony. Some people question the church’s role in politics or challenge the church’s position on immigration reform, but the church’s...
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Religious leaders urge renewed peace initiative

WASHINGTON – Several Catholics were among nearly 40 U.S. religious leaders who called on President George W. Bush to launch a new Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative. “We ask that you make Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking, in the context of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace initiative, an urgent priority for your administration,” the leaders said in a letter delivered to...
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Cardinal seeks exemption for adoptions by gay couples

LONDON – The head of the English and Welsh bishops’ conference told British Prime Minister Tony Blair 13 Catholic adoption agencies in the United Kingdom would close if the government forced them to place children with same-sex couples. In a Jan. 22 letter, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor of Westminster, England, appealed to Prime Minister Blair to...
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St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock 5K

The Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction at Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, will serve as the gold sponsor for the 2007 Kelly St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock 5K at 1:15 on March 11. This year’s race is presented by Kelly & Associates and benefits the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, as well as Baltimore’s 2007 St. Patrick’s...
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Archdiocese takes vocations message to its schools

MILWAUKEE – In an age of complex, high-speed technology, the Milwaukee Archdiocese’s Vocations Office has turned to a method used in the time of Christ to help young Catholics determine God’s calling for them. “They went out two by two, just like the disciples,” said Father James Lobacz, archdiocesan vocations director, about members of the...
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Foundation established for Coach Flynn’s children

The late Bob Flynn, head men’s basketball coach for McDaniel College and former athletic director and head basketball coach for Cardinal Gibbons High School, liked to keep it simple and liked to keep it real. As evidenced by the recent outpouring of support during the week of Jan. 14, after the 49-year-old Flynn’s unexpected death...
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First lady acknowledges Mother Seton student’s sculpture

When third-grader Tabitha Gregory considered selections for a biography project at Mother Seton School, Emmitsburg, her mother helped her decide on first lady Laura Bush. Tabitha said she found it interesting that the first lady grew up in Texas, worked at a library, liked reading, attended the funeral of Pope John Paul II, and has...
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‘Angel of the garbage dump’ dies in crash

WASHINGTON – Hanley Denning, known in Guatemala as “the angel of the garbage dump” because she helped poor children escape garbage picking as a livelihood, died in a car crash in Guatemala. Five days after her Jan. 18 death at age 36, a documentary featuring Ms. Denning was nominated for an Oscar. Ms. Denning died...
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