A funeral Mass for Sister Eleanor Augustine Beckman of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia was offered June 2. She was a former teacher at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School.Read More
The backpacks are looking worn and tired.No matter how many times I clean the lunchboxes, they still seem dirty.The school shoes still fit...I think.And those whines about the last days of kindergarten homework? Those were most definitely mine.At long last, the school year is coming to an end.It has beenRead More
Collin became a big brother for the first time in 2012, just shy of his third birthday, when Frank joined our family. Almost a year and a half later, Leo appeared on the scene, bolstering Collin’s oldest sibling status and adding a confused and (to an extent) reluctant Frank toRead More
As we celebrate Father’s Day this month, let us celebrate the role of our dads in building the domestic church, working hand in hand with their wives in making our homes places of prayer, learning, virtue and service, and in handing on the faith to the next generation.Read More
Pope Francis will set up a panel of legal experts to help him in deciding whether to remove a religious superior or bishop from office for failing to protect minors and vulnerable adults from sex abuse.Read More