It used to be that the news of a new baby’s arrival was shared with family and friends through a “birth announcement” printed on paper. It would include the baby’s parents’ names, birth date and time, weight, length, and, if you were lucky, a photograph, which was probably taken inRead More
Scrat’s chase also gets the plot rolling when he inadvertently sets a giant asteroid on a potentially cataclysmic collision course with the Earth.Read More
By Craig GouldDirector of youth and young adult ministry for the Archdiocese of Baltimore“Jesus Christ, you are my life. You are my life, Alleluia.”Only the Church can do this. Only the Church can gather the world, raising banners from every nation to sing these words to God. Only the ChurchRead More
Our sons are too big to carry. I know it. They know it. Anyone who sees their gangly legs dangling from my hips knows it.But, even though they are 6 and 8—and approaching 7 and 9—I can’t seem to stop.The truth is someday very soon I won’t be able toRead More