Sister Aletta Dorothy Donahue, who taught at three schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, died June 11 at Assisi House in Aston, Pa. She was 97.Read More
Sister Anne Dorice DeFebbo, a professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 48 years who taught nursing in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, died May 18, a few days before her 73rd birthday, at Assisi House in Aston, Pa.Read More
Leaders in the scientific and faith communities were optimistic that a new international initiative focused on intestinal stem cell research could yield significant medical advances – without fanning the ethical controversies that surround embryonic stem cell research.Read More
Sister, Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Barbara D’Auria (formerly known as Sister M. Darius) was a former teacher at St. Rita School in Dundalk.Read More
The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston released Nov. 29 the names of clergy who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors. The list dates back to approximately 1950, which is the period for which there are reasonably reliable files, a diocesan statement said. More than 2,000 files were reviewed, containing tens of thousands of documents.Read More
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Rich Halvorson is counting on 10 million Americans to fast with him Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21, and to donate the money they would have spent on food to what he terms “highly efficient” charities. Mr. Halvorson, a 25-year-old Catholic from Boise, Idaho, believes the donations could reach $50 million. The charities he’s...Read More
Without mention of the soul, the Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a “soul mate” as “a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament; a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs.” Monsignor Jeremiah F. Kenney, judicial vicar, agrees that the soul is not involved. “The Church has no position on the term if...Read More
OTTAWA (CNS) -- Pro-marriage and Catholic groups have called for a federal government study after the Court of Appeal for Ontario recognized three parents for a child living with a lesbian couple.Read More
Mary Ann Leard learned how to lay laminate flooring by attending clinics at Home Depot on Saturday mornings. She attended to learn the skill, not to meet someone; however, Ms. Leard said that’s one good way for singles to meet people. “It takes the focus off yourself,” said the single 60-year-old president of the archdiocese’s...Read More