Hero’s homecoming: Vatican prepares to transfer exiled Czech cardinal’s remains

Decades after his death, the former archbishop of Prague and symbol of heroic resistance against totalitarianism is finally going home.
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Pope to diplomats: World peace depends on right to life, disarmament

Because everyone has a right to life, liberty and personal security, nations must find nonviolent solutions to conflict and difficulties, Pope Francis said.
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Vatican agency says at least 23 church workers killed in 2017

The majority of Catholic Church workers violently killed in 2017 were victims of attempted robberies, the Vatican's Fides agency said, with Nigeria and Mexico topping the list countries where the most brutal murders were carried out.
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Vatican releases new instruction on authenticating, protecting relics

Only relics that have been certified as authentic can be exposed for veneration by the faithful, said a new Vatican instruction.
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Pope: Helping refugees means converting hearts hardened against them

With so much suffering, poverty and exploitation in the world, missionary work must also include reaching out to people whose hearts are closed to receiving immigrants and refugees, Pope Francis told Jesuits in Myanmar.
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Sunday has lost its sense as day of rest, renewal in Christ, pope says

Sunday Mass is the time and place Christians receive the grace and strength to remain faithful to God's word.
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Stop taking smartphone snapshots during Mass, pope says

"It makes me so sad when I celebrate (Mass) in the square or in the basilica and I see so many cellphones in the air," the pope said. "And not just by the lay faithful, some priests and bishops, too."
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War brings only death, cruelty, pope says at U.S. military cemetery

In previous years, the pope marked All Souls' Day by visiting a Rome cemetery. This year, he chose to visit a U.S. military burial ground and, later in the day, the site of a Nazi massacre at the Ardeatine Caves in Rome to pray especially for all victims of war and violence.
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Pope says space station crew like a ‘tiny U.N.’ with peaceful diversity

When the pope asked what brought them joy during their long mission, Commander Randolph Bresnik from Fort Knox, Kentucky, told the pope that it was being able to see every day "God's creation maybe a little bit from his perspective."
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Signs of the Spirit: App teaches blessings, how to pray in ASL

When a child is born deaf into a hearing family, they shouldn't have to miss out on learning Catholic prayers or religious terms as they learn American Sign Language.
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Pope: If world insists on success, then make life more just, humane

Pope called to promote and defend more fairness and to manage the world's resources adequately and justly.
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To fight hunger and forced migration, end war, arms trade, pope says

Food insecurity is linked to forced migration, the pope said, and the two can be addressed only "if we go to the root of the problem" — conflict and climate change.
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