Archbishop Lori announces clergy appointments

Archbishop William E. Lori announces the following appointments, which took effect Sept. 1.
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Bishop Madden to lead Baltimore prayer walk for peace Nov. 2

Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar and auxiliary bishop emeritus of Baltimore, will lead a prayer walk for peace Nov. 2 at St. Veronica, 806 Cherry Hill Road in Cherry Hill.
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Los oficiales de la Iglesia responden a los recientes arrestos de inmigrantes en Maryland, y a la propuesta de reducir el número de refugiados

El obispo Brennan añadió: "Nuestro país ha sido históricamente un refugio para aquellos que huyen de la violencia, la guerra y la persecución religiosa y política. Reducir tan drásticamente el número de refugiados admitidos en nuestro país es contrario al largo historial de Norteamérica de dar la bienvenida a esas personas ".
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Church officials respond to recent arrests of immigrants in Maryland, proposal to reduce number of refugees

Bishop Mark Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore said that "to reduce so drastically the number of refugees admitted to our country is contrary to America’s longstanding role of welcoming such people.”
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Parish activities planned for Respect Life Month

Parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore are planning special activities during Respect Life Month, which begins Oct. 1.
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40 Days for Life

Several parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be participating in the 40 Days for Life campaign.
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Archdiocesan support for building a culture of life

The Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Baltimore offers numerous resources on topics including help for those in a crisis pregnancy, healing after an abortion, fertility awareness, support with an adverse prenatal diagnosis, information on the care and planning for the end of life, and much more.
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Four Area Catholic Schools Receive National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award from U.S. Dept. of Education

Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Education announced that four Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore are among a select group of schools nationwide to receive the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award.
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Archbishop Lori Announces Statewide Task Force on Racism

September 27, 2017 In an effort to better improve race relations and to address the sin of racism that continues to be a divisive force in our country, Archbishop William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore and Chairman of the Maryland Catholic Conference, announced the creation of a statewide task force on racism.  Co-chaired by Bishop...
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Links to immigration, migration and refugee resources

As part of Pope Francis’ ‘Share the Journey’ campaign that encourages all to welcome migrants and refugees, the Archdiocese of Baltimore has assembled the following list of local, national and international Catholic resources.
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How parishes can ‘Share the Journey’

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops offers these suggestions for ways parishes can get involved with the Share the Journey campaign, an effort of Pope Francis to encourage more people to be welcoming to migrants and refugees.
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