Archdiocesan CFO Tapped for Position with Cincinnati-Based Catholic Evangelization Company

Baltimore, MD, October 9, 2018 – William J. Baird III, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of Management Services for the Archdiocese of Baltimore since 2010, has announced that he will leave the position next month to assume the position of Dynamic Parish Consultant for the Dynamic Catholic Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Dynamic Catholic Institute provides...
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Archbishop Lori Informs Clergy of Maryland Attorney General’s Review

In a letter sent to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore today, Archbishop William E. Lori informed priests and deacons that the Archdiocese has been in discussions with the Maryland Attorney General about an investigation of records related to the sexual abuse of children.
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Pope Francis Appoints Archbishop William Lori Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

Following his acceptance of the letter of resignation of Bishop Michael Bransfield, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, appointed Archbishop William E. Lori Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, while remaining Archbishop of Baltimore. The Holy Father further instructed Archbishop Lori to conduct an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment of adults against Bishop Bransfield.
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Archdiocese Updates its Online List of Abusive Priests with Names Disclosed in PA Grand Jury Report

Baltimore, MD, September 7, 2018 – The Archdiocese of Baltimore has added 10 names to its list of priests and religious brothers accused of child sexual abuse. The new names are those of priests mentioned in the Pennsylvania grand jury report released Aug. 14 who served in the Archdiocese of Baltimore or were alleged to have...
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Proposed New Baltimore Catholic School to be Named “Mother Mary Lange Catholic School”

Baltimore, MD, September 4, 2018 – On the first day of the new school year, Archbishop William E. Lori announced that the proposed new Baltimore City Catholic elementary school will be named “Mother Mary Lange Catholic School,” in honor of Mary Elizabeth Lange, Foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first religious community of...
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Statement of Archbishop William E. Lori on the Late Cardinal William H. Keeler and the Report of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury

At this difficult time in the life of the Church, we in the Archdiocese of Baltimore are especially saddened and troubled by the news of the late Cardinal William H. Keeler’s failures while serving as Bishop of Harrisburg, one of six dioceses cited in the grand jury report.
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Declaración del Arzobispo William E. Lori sobre el Difunto Cardenal William H. Keeler y el Informe del Gran Jurado de Pensilvania

Nuestros pensamientos deben estar hoy con aquellos que continúan viviendo como sobrevivientes del abuso sexual del clero, especialmente aquellos que están sintiendo un renovado dolor y rabia por la publicación del informe del Gran Jurado de Pensilvania. En este momento difícil en la vida de la Iglesia, nosotros en la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore estamos especialmente...
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Charismatic Prayer Groups in the Archdiocese of Baltimore

The following charismatic prayer groups operate in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Click on each link for a full list of location.
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Archbishop Lori announces early summer appointments

Archbishop William E. Lori announces clergy appointments for the early summer.
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