"At this challenging time in the life of our City, we pray that God gives strength and wisdom to our acting mayor and to the leaders of our community in order that they might bring the residents of Baltimore together in confronting our challenges, while also asserting those aspects that represent our promise and true...Read More
I was baptized Catholic as an infant in 1948. I was nurtured in a welcoming parish here in Baltimore, St. Peter Claver at Fremont and Pennsylvania Avenues. I grew up focusing on the mystery of God, His love for mankind and pondering why Jesus had to go to the cross to take our place. It...Read More
I am a Redemptorist Priest from Zimbabwe, studying at Loyola University MD, living with the Redemptorist community, and assisting with ministry at St Mary’s Church in Annapolis, MD. Last year, on the 13th of May, I was taking a walk in the Carroll gardens behind the rectory where I live. I noticed a couple in...Read More
I was born in abject poverty to Oklahoma sharecroppers, one of the most viciously exploited groups of people in American history. In brutal honesty, my family is horribly scarred and crippled as the landowners treated them less than their animals. My father has not healed from the trauma and abuse. Growing up we heard how...Read More
I had a unique experience with racism within the Catholic Church from a young age. Growing up, Catholicism was not only part of my life, but my community. In the early years of my life, I remember thinking the Catholic Church was a place of happiness and a diverse beautiful faith. As I got older,...Read More
At age 14 in 1956 I stepped on the hard line of separation between the races. At age 15 I crossed it. At 14, I was selected to leave the fully segregated, supportive community which had nurtured me in Baltimore to continue to desegregate City College, one of Baltimore’s top two male public high schools....Read More
Archbishop William E. Lori, announced today the addition of the names of 23 deceased priests and brothers previously and credibly accused to the online list of clergy accused of child sexual abuse.Read More
For Immediate Release Thursday, April 4, 2019 “On behalf of the clergy, religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I extend heartfelt best wishes and prayers to Archbishop Wilton Gregory on his appointment as the next Archbishop of Washington,” Archbishop William E. Lori said. “Our two local Churches enjoy a uniquely collegial history...Read More
For Immediate Release Monday, March 11, 2019 On September 13, 2018, the Holy See announced the retirement of Michael J. Bransfield as Bishop of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston in West Virginia and appointed Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori as Apostolic Administrator of Wheeling-Charleston, with a mandate to conduct a preliminary investigation into allegations of sexual...Read More
“On this unprecedented day in the life of our Church, I remain in prayerful solidarity with our Holy Father, whose decision to dismiss Theodore McCarrick from the clerical state demonstrates the Pope’s willingness to hold accountable one who would harm a child, regardless of rank.Read More