Speak Boldly, Listen Carefully

Commonweal takes an inside look at the Synod on Synodality with the expectation that a different Church will emerge from the process.
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Experts see synod as ‘biggest consultation exercise in human history’

Despite what might ostensibly be considered a slow start, experts expect the recently-launched synod to gain momentum quickly and have a far reach.
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Archdiocesan statement on guilty plea of Fernando Cristancho

The Archdiocese of Baltimore admires the courage and strength of the survivor in this case and all survivors who come forward in order to help ensure perpetrators are held responsible for committing their unthinkable crimes.
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Archbishop Lori’s statement on reaching 10,000 COVID-19 related deaths in Maryland

At this time when vaccinations and safety precautions are readily available to all, we must examine our own personal responsibility to move about our daily lives in a way that considers our community and what is good for our brothers and sisters as well.
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Declaración del Arzobispo Lori en el 20 aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre 

Lo que sucedió ese día nos cambió. Esos terribles eventos desgarrarían nuestros corazones y mentes, cambiando para siempre nuestra comprensión de lo que es estar seguro y libre. 
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Archbishop Lori’s statement on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks

As we remember and pray, let us recommit ourselves to being agents of love and truth, people rooted in the hope of the resurrection who, even in the darkest of nights, shine as a light brightly visible.
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Suggested Rosary Congress events for schools

Here are several suggested ways school children can participate in the Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Congress.
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National Rosary Congress website offers resources

A website devoted to the promotion of Rosary Congresses across the United States is providing resources to parishes, schools and dioceses that wish to host the seven-day period of prayer and reflection.
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Suggested Rosary Congress events for parishes

In observation of the Oct. 3-9 Archdiocese of Baltimore Rosary Congress, the Archdiocese of Baltimore encourages parishes to inform parishioners of events happening at the Baltimore Basilica and to organize their own activities.
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Archbishop Lori Statement on Kabul Airport Attack, Pray for Peace

I am heartbroken by the increasingly violent events occurring in Afghanistan and the senseless loss of precious life.
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Statement on Kabul Airport Attack, Pray for Peace

Acts of terror are an attack against all of us and have no place in a civilized or just society.
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Declaración sobre el ataque al aeropuerto de Kabul, Oremos por la paz 

Me encuentro muy afligido por los eventos cada vez más violentos que ocurren en Afganistán y la insensata pérdida de vidas preciosas.
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