Knights of Columbus Meeting of State Deputies

Introduction In case you haven’t noticed, charity and love are risky. In fact, today’s Scripture readings say as much. And that should be of the greatest concern to an organization that sells life insurance and has charity as its first principle. Let me explain. In that long reading from the Book of Tobit, we meet...
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Dedication of Parish Center, St. Joseph, Eldersburg

Introduction I’m happy for the opportunity, at long last, to offer Mass here at St. Joseph’s Parish and to bless the new parish center dedicated to formation and fellowship. Let me also join with you in thanking Father Neville O’Donohue for his effective and dedicated leadership as your pastor! Let me also take a moment...
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Installation of Fr. Michael DeAscanis, Pastor, St. Philip Neri Church

Introduction It is a special joy to install Father Michael DeAscanis as the pastor here at St. Philip Neri Parish. Already you have experienced his fidelity, dedication, and pastoral love. He is working closely with you in offering that leadership which is so necessary for a parish to be united and to fulfill its mission....
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Diaconal Ordination of Michael Rubeling

Introduction On this very special day, the Lord Jesus calls you and me his friends. What joy this should bring to all of us – to be the friends of Jesus. What a precious gift friendship is. We may have many acquaintances but only a few really good friends. Jesus is truly our friend: he...
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Catholic Review Column: Pentecost and Blessed Oscar Romero

This past weekend, our church celebrated two great events: Pentecost, which marks the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus, and the beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was beatified in San Salvador where he served as archbishop until his assassination in 1980. Not coincidentally, our Holy Father, Pope...
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Memorial Day

Introduction Thank you so much for being here. In particular, I want to thank Father Patrick Carrion who oversees cemeteries in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. I also want to thank my brother Knights of Columbus for your presence this morning and for your constant support. For a few moments, let’s reflect on Memorial Day. It...
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Pentecost, Adult Confirmation at Cathedral of Mary Our Queen

The Spirit Given Sacramentally In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles we heard that, “when the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire...
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Pentecost, Beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero

Introduction On this beautiful day when we open our hearts anew to the Holy Spirit we also celebrate the Beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero. This morning, as we speak, he is being beatified in San Salvador where he served as Archbishop until he was killed in his Cathedral in 1980. How grateful we are to...
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Pentecost, St. Rose of Lima 100th Anniversary

Introduction I’m delighted to celebrate this long-delayed closing Mass to mark the 100th Anniversary of St. Rose of Lima Parish. Please accept my warmest congratulations on reaching this milestone and my warmest thanks for all that this parish family does in service to its parishioners and the surrounding community. With you I want to thank...
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Archdiocesan Scouting Mass

Introduction Msgr. Phillips, Msgr. Jarboe, Father Kiesel, Fr. Timoney, Deacons George & Philip, dear friends in Christ: It is a joy for me to be with all of you here today for the annual Archdiocesan Scout Mass and Presentation of Awards. I want to thank Fr. Arnold, who cannot be with us today, for his...
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Mass of Ordination of Permanent Deacons

Introduction On this very special day, the Lord Jesus calls you and me his friends. What joy that should bring to all of us – to be the friends of Jesus. What a precious gift friendship is. We may have many acquaintances but only a few really good friends. Jesus is truly our friend: he...
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Solemnity of the Ascension 2015

Introduction It’s a joy for me to celebrate Mass here at St. Alphonsus today, especially on the Solemnity of the Ascension. Please accept my warmest thanks for your spirit of fidelity and service especially for the poor and needy well beyond the boundaries of the parish. You are ably and lovingly led here at St....
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