Father Hurst Farewell

I. Introduction A. Father Witherup, members of the General Council, Father Kemper and your fellow Provincials, Chorbishop Beggiani, Fr. Hurst, Fr. Leavitt, dear brother priests and deacons, religious women and men, alumni, David Kinkopf, Trustees and benefactors, members of the faculty and staff, and most of all, dear seminarians and students: B. We’ve gathered this...
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ChristLife National Conference

I. Introduction A. I am delighted to welcome you warmly to the ChristLife National Conference and to greet two close co-workers in the Lord, Fr. Erik Arnold & Dave Nodar as well as the entire ChristLife team, headquartered in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Let me also say a word of welcome to the dioceses and...
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Confirmation Homily, 4th Sunday of Easter C

First let me thank you for your Confirmation letters which I read carefully. From them three words emerged that sum up the faith: 1) Listen; 2) Love; 3) Serve…listening, loving, and serving… three words that capture what it means to follow Jesus as a member of the Church. Since I boiled it all down to...
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Groundbreaking, Nativity

I. Introduction A. I am delighted to be with all of you for Sunday Mass during this time of ongoing Easter joy and on this special occasion when we will be breaking ground for the long-anticipated new church, here at the Church of the Nativity. B. It is a day for us to give thanks...
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Symposium for Catholic Medical Professionals

I. Introduction A. Let me begin with warm thanks for your presence here this morning and for the hospitality of St. Joseph Medical Center in welcoming this 6th Annual Symposium of Catholic Medical Professionals. And it is good that we begin this day by celebrating the Eucharist, “the source and summit” of our lives, including...
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Installation of Father Bruce Lewandowski

I. Introduction Dear friends: I join you in expressing deep appreciation first to Father Bruce, who welcomed his assignment to Sacred Heart and St. Patrick with great enthusiasm, joy, and generosity. I also want to thank the Congregation of the Holy Redeemer for its generosity in staffing these wonderful and growing parishes and in making...
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Instalación del Padre Bruce Lewandowski

I. El papel del pastor A. En el evangelio de hoy Jesus nos dice, a nosotros su rebaño: “Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz.” Jesús no solamente nos da información acerca de Dios o instrucciones morales. Lo primero y los más importante, es que Jesús quiere que sepamos cuánto nos ama Dios. Él quiere que veamos...
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3rd Sunday of Easter 2016

I. Introduction: Business as Usual A. In his mercy, God grants us moments when we sense how close he is to us. In a moment of prayer, we might feel the personal presence of Christ in our souls. When we receive Holy Communion, the magnitude and beauty of Jesus’ gift of self might dawn upon...
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Divine Mercy Sunday

I. Doubting Thomas A. The Gospel just proclaimed depicts the image of the “doubting Thomas.” Absent when the Risen Lord appeared to the eleven, Thomas refused to believe that the Master was alive unless he put his hand in the wounded side of Christ. B. A week later, the Risen Lord appears again – and...
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Mercy Sunday Vigil Mass

I. Introduction A. Eleven years ago tonight, on the eve of Mercy Sunday, St. John Paul II went “to the house of his heavenly Father”. There he encountered the Risen and Exalted Lord Jesus Christ in whose light our humanity, our dignity, and our destiny is fully revealed. B. Now, in the joy of Easter,...
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Friday in the Octave of Easter

I. Introduction: Business as Usual A. In his mercy, God grants us moments when we sense how close he is to us. In a moment of prayer, we might feel the personal presence of Christ in our souls. When we receive Holy Communion, the magnitude and beauty of Jesus’ gift of self might dawn upon...
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