I. Introduction A. Dear brother priests, dear friends, we’ve gathered this evening to give thanks and praise to God for the extraordinary life and ministry of one of our own – Msgr. Art. Bastress. In these days, he celebrates the gift of 90 years of life and 65 years of priestly ministry. B. We are...Read More
I. The Spirit Given Sacramentally A. In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles we heard that, “when the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as...Read More
I. Introduction A. If you or I were to walk into Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, our eye would be drawn to the enormous stained glass window at the far end of the basilica. It is the window of the Holy Spirit. In it, the Holy Spirit is pictured in the form of a...Read More
I. Introduction A. In his letter to the Philippians, St. Paul invites us to rejoice in the Lord and indeed we have gathered with great rejoicing to celebrate the wedding of Clare Anderson and Corey Erff. I greet you both in the Lord’s Name even as I welcome your families and friends who are here...Read More
I. Introduction A. Your Eminence, Cardinal Caffarra, brother priests and deacons, Worthy Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson, Fr. Antonio Lopez and leaders of the faculties of the St. John Paul II Institute, Catholic University of America, and the Dominican House of Studies, students of the Institute, family members and friends of our graduates, and most...Read More
I. Introduction A. I’m glad at long last to celebrate Mass here at St. Francis of Assisi. I had intended to visit long before now and in fact a Mass had been scheduled except that mother nature decided to favor us with a snowstorm that day. So thank you for your patience and please accept...Read More
I. Introduction A. Thank you so much for your presence here this morning. I join my dear Mom and Dad and my brother Joe in thank you, Archbishop Kurtz, for concelebrating this funeral liturgy, together with my brother priests, including my former and current priest-secretaries, Monsignor Zielonka and Father Bianco. B. In a special way,...Read More
I. One Like Us A. At the end of May, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Visitation, a feast we are reminded of whenever we pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. We know well the scene as described in the Gospel of Saint Luke: Mary learns from the angel that she is to...Read More
Welcome to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first Roman Catholic Cathedral in the United States. On behalf of my colleagues in ministry, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this interfaith prayer service for unity and peace in our beloved City of Baltimore. In...Read More
I. Introduction A. I am very happy to welcome all of you to the Archdiocese of Baltimore and to this, the first Cathedral of the United States. Archbishop John Carroll laid the cornerstone for this Cathedral in 1808 and oversaw its design with architect Benjamin Latrobe. The design of the dome was assisted by Thomas...Read More
I. Is the Catholic Faith Old or New? A. Let me begin with a question: Is the Catholic faith old or new? Lots of people will say it’s old, and, of course, it is 2,000 years old. But that’s not what most people mean when they say the Church is old. What they really mean...Read More
I. Introduction When I was in the seminary, I regarded St. Anselm as the driest of all saints as I grappled with his writings, especially his ontological argument for God’s existence. Immersed in his thought, I missed the rich tapestry of his life. But this morning, happily, I can stand before you to say that...Read More