I. Thanks to Fellow Chaplains and to Fr. Kalisch A. Once again it my honor to address this Supreme Convention and to thank you for the privilege of serving as your Supreme Chaplain. During these days we have expressed our thanks to our State Chaplains and Associate State Chaplains who have joined us. Many are...Read More
O Father of infinite glory, dwelling “in unapproachable light” (1 Tim. 6:16), we give you thanks and praise for in your goodness you have given us your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who is “the light of the world” (Jn. 8:12) and “the true light that enlightens everyone” (Jn. 1:9-10). In your goodness, pour out...Read More
I. Introduction A. As we gather for this holy Mass, we stand in closest spiritual solidarity with our Holy Father Pope Francis, and with more than a million young people who joined with him in the celebration of Holy Mass at the Campus Misericordiae. During these past days, it has been our privilege to host...Read More
I. Introduction: A Word of Thanks As we bless the Mercy Centre, this magnificent arena, we look forward to welcoming literally thousands of young English-speaking pilgrims from many parts of the world. On behalf of our Worthy Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, I want to thank you for the preparations you have made for our young...Read More
I. Introduction: Witnesses to Freedom A. First, let me thank you for being here tonight. With all the World Youth Day events going on all around Krakow, there are many other places you could have been tonight, but instead, you chose to come to a bar for adult beverages! Oh, and by the way, to...Read More
As Chairman of the Bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty let me take the briefest of moments to express my gratitude and that of the Committee for your participation in the Fortnight for Freedom. I am grateful to Cardinal Wuerl for hosting this concluding Fortnight Mass here at the Basilica of the National Shrine...Read More
I. Introduction A. It is a pleasure to offer this Mass of Installation for the Maryland State Council of the Knights of Columbus. I offer my warmest congratulations to you, my brother Knights, chosen by your fellow Knights to lead the Order here in Maryland. With you, I pray that the coming fraternal year will...Read More
I. Introduction: Getting into the Issue A. I’m delighted to be here to take part in this Rally for Religious Freedom. First and foremost I want to thank Bishop Murphy – thank you for your kind invitation to speak at this important gathering and most of all thank you for your leadership as a brother...Read More
I. Introduction: Fortnight for Freedom A. First, let me say once again how happy I am to pay a visit, even if long deferred. It is an opportunity for me to express my gratitude to you for your love of the Lord Jesus and to the Church’s mission of spreading the Gospel. I am especially...Read More
I. Introduction A. Most commencement speakers cannot resist the urge to advise the graduates, who have been hard at work on their degrees for four long years, how to be successful, both personally and professionally. I must confess that most of us bishops cannot resist the same urge at Ordination. There’s something about an occasion...Read More
I. Introduction: The Faithful Witness A. Tonight we celebrate the opening Mass of the 2016 Fortnight for Freedom, returning to this, the first Cathedral in the United States, a Cathedral that was under construction even as “a new nation conceived in liberty” began to take shape. But we are not here tonight to argue a...Read More
I. Introduction: “Who Do You Say That I Am?” A. Years ago, as a seminarian at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, I took a final examination in a course called “Christology”, a course that dealt with the identity and saving mission of Jesus. Among other things, we were questioned about the precise meaning of...Read More