23rd Sunday C; Installation of Father Mark Bialek; St. John the Evangelist, Westminster

I. Introduction A. As it happens, Father Bialek is being installed on the same weekend when Pope Francis canonizes Mother Teresa of Calcutta, even as Hurricane Hermine also presses down upon the Atlantic seacoast. As it also happens, the Church provides us with a Gospel reading appropriate to both of these events – a saint...
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22nd Sunday C; 125th Anniversary of St. Clement I; Lansdowne, MD

I. Introduction A. It is a joy to return to St. Clement Parish and to join you in celebrating the 125th anniversary of its founding. With you I give thanks to the Lord for many blessings which, for more than a century, he has showered upon this parish. Among those blessings is Deacon Paul Gifford...
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22nd Sunday; Blessing of the Altar; St. Agnes Parish

I. Introduction A. It is a real pleasure for me to return to St. Agnes Parish, and on this occasion, to dedicate the altar to be used for the celebration of Holy Mass. I congratulate this parish community on the beauty of the newly renovated sanctuary and, with you, I express our deepest gratitude to...
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Funeral Homily for Aunt Lois; St. Augustine Church; Jeffersonville, Indiana

I. Introduction First, a word about names. Almost everyone outside the family knew my aunt as “Mary Lou” – but her family members called her “Lois” or “Aunt Lois”. I’m not sure about this, how all this came about; it’s just a fact. So, if during my homily I lapse into calling her “Lois”, please...
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Catholic Schools Convocation Homily; Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine; Emmitsburg, Maryland

I. A Homecoming: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton A. In deciding to hold this year’s convocation in here in Emmitsburg, we are coming home – home to the roots of Catholic education in the United States. For we are have come to a place made sacred by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, truly a pioneer in Catholic...
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Mass of the Holy Spirit; Thursday, 21st Week; St. Mary’s Seminary

I. Introduction A. This afternoon we have gathered to celebrate a Mass of the Holy Spirit – to ask the inspiration and guidance of the Spirit as we begin a new year of formation here at St. Mary’s Seminary – the nation’s oldest – now marking its 225th anniversary. I am happy to greet the...
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21st Sunday; Resurrection, Ellicott City; St. Augustine, Elkridge

I. Introduction A. Resurrection: It is a joy to offer Mass here at Resurrection Parish, alas for the first time. If my memory is correct, I was scheduled to do so previously but, unfortunately, I had to change my schedule at the last minute. So, here I am at last in my never-ending quest to...
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Thursday, 20th Week; Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary Opening Mass

I. Introduction A. It may seem a bit unusual to begin a new year of seminary formation with a reflection on a wedding feast. In fact, whether you are a new or returning seminarian, I doubt that you feel as though – you’ve been summoned to a wedding feast. And while I’m sure your evening...
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20th Sunday C; St. Isaac Jogues, Installation of Father Stephen Roth as Pastor

I. Introduction A. It is a joy to return to St. Isaac Jogues officially to install Father Roth as your Pastor. He has served ably, effectively, and joyfully as Administrator of your parish and now it is my pleasure to express both my confidence in Father Roth and your support for his leadership, by publicly...
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20th Sunday C; St. Paul, Ellicott City

I. Introduction A. Dear friends, I know that the past weeks have been a very difficult time for the residents of Ellicott City – so I wanted to take the first opportunity I had to offer Mass here at St. Paul’s since the recent flooding which, as you know, took two lives, injured others, and...
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Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr; Thomistic Institute Conference- “Becoming a Better Preacher”

I. Introduction A. I am delighted to welcome all of you, Bishop Foley and my brother priests to the Archdiocese of Baltimore for this importance conference on being and becoming a better preacher. It is a perilous thing to be a homilist at a conference on better preaching but I trust you will profit from...
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Feast of Saint John Vianney, Memorial Mass, Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention

I. Priestly Love, Self-Giving Love A. Perhaps you’ve heard about a seminarian who lost his life earlier this summer. His name was Brian Bergkamp, a second year theologian from the Diocese of Wichita studying at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Together with a group of young people, he was kayaking on the Arkansas...
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