Mary Queen and Mother of Mercy; Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting

I. Introduction: Queen of Mercy A. Tomorrow we shall celebrate the Feast of Christ the King…Jesus our merciful King. We shall celebrate how, through the Blood of the Cross, mercy triumphed over sin and life triumphed over death. And we shall pay our homage to the Lord and King of heaven and earth. B. In...
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Dedication of St. Katharine Drexel Church

I. Introduction A. Let me begin with words of congratulations and gratitude. We wouldn’t be gathered in this beautiful new church were it not for the leadership, hard work, and perseverance of your pastor, Fr. Keith. Let’s express our deepest gratitude! I also join with all of you in thanking the parish staff, parish lay...
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Formation for Evangelization; Ecumenical Institute

I. Introduction: “Neither Fish Nor Fowl” A. I am happy to have the opportunity to spend some time with all of you discussing the various aspects of formation for evangelization. And let me begin with a story. Some 39 years ago, in mid-November 1977, I was a newly ordained priest serving at St. Joseph Parish...
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32nd Sunday C; Catholic Distance University

I. Introduction A. Archbishop Christoph, Apostolic Nuncio; Bishop Loverde; brother priests; President Mount; Worthy Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson; members of the board, faculty, and staff, graduates and students; benefactors and friends of CDU; and all dear friends in Christ: B. It is a special pleasure to join with all of you this evening in...
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32nd Sunday; Closing of the Holy Doors; Jubilee Year of Mercy

I. Introduction A. In 1994, Pope St. John Paul II called the Church to observe “The Year of the Family”. A fellow priest, a good friend, was not impressed. In fact, he harrumphed, “So this year it’s the family, next year something else, and what good does it all do?” “O calm down,” I said,...
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Proclaiming and Living the Joy of the Gospel; Address to Filipino Leaders in the Archdiocese of Baltimore; Faith and Leadership Assembly for Renewal and Empowerment (FLARE)

I. Introduction A. Good afternoon and many thanks for inviting me to spend some time at this important F.L.A.R.E. conference. I trust you have had a fruitful morning with good presentations and discussions. Perhaps my talk with the be frosting on the cake! B. Let me begin with words of thanks and appreciation. The growing...
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Catholic Distance University; Dinner Remarks

I. Introduction: Honoring the Knights // Honoring Bishop Loverde A. Archbishop Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio, Bishop Loverde, brother priests, President Mount and all who with you carry forward the mission of CDU, Worthy Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson, brother knights and ladies, friends and benefactors of CDU, all dear friends in Christ: B. Let me join...
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All Souls’ Day 2016; Athenaeum of Ohio

I. Introduction A. In his autobiography The Confessions, St. Augustine records so movingly his last moments with his mother, Saint Monica, as she lay dying, still only in her mid-fifties, in the Roman suburb of Ostia. Augustine and his brother, overcome with grief, were discussing the practicalities of the funeral arrangements for their mother. B....
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31st Sunday C; St. John the Evangelist, Severna Park

I. Introduction A. It is a special pleasure for return to visit St. John the Evangelist Parish to offer Holy Mass and to take part in the groundbreaking for the new parish activities center. I take this moment to join with all of you in expressing our deepest gratitude to your pastor, Fr. Proffitt, Fr....
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Holy Sepulchre Investiture Homily; Mass in Honor of Our Lady Queen of Palestine

I. Introduction A. Last night we rejoiced to confer promotions and honors upon those who have faithfully upheld the ideals of the Order and supported its mission. This afternoon we gather to invest new members of the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. All this we do, (as...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily at Mount St. Mary’s University Campus Ministry Mass

Pope Francis is also encouraging us, in spite of our own needs and problems, always to be compassionate toward others, especially the most vulnerable.
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