I. Introduction: Less Than Nothing A. You may be surprised to learn that sometimes urban legends surround seminary rectors. I’m sure no one is more surprised than the seminarians among us this evening. At any rate, the story is told of a rector who was also a bishop and he was indeed a very grand...Read More
I. Introduction A. Welcome to the Season of Lent! I hope that that the forty days of Lent that lay before us will be a time of many blessings for you and for your loved ones. Forty days may seem like a long time to do repentance and we might imagine that the days of...Read More
I. Introduction A. I am honored and delighted to offer Holy Mass here at historic Morgan State in this beautiful University Chapel. I would like to thank your President, Dr. David Wilson, Rev. Dr. Bernard Keels, Chaplain, as well as Dr. Victor McCrary, Vice-President for Economic Research and Development . . . for their warm...Read More
I. Introduction A. Fr. Proffitt, Msgr. Phillips, my brother deacons, and dear friends in Christ: It’s a real pleasure to be with all of you today for the annual Archdiocesan Scout Mass and Presentation of Awards. And thank you so much, Father Proffitt, for hosting us here at St. John’s. B. Let me say how...Read More
All our plans, all our meetings, all our writings and strategies – all of this will profit us nothing unless we heed the call to discipleship in its most radical form as presented for us in today’s Gospel.Read More
I. Manually Challenged! I might as well admit it – I’m manually challenged. For the life of me, I can’t drive a nail straight or use a saw. If memory serves, as a child I even had trouble with Legos and Lincoln Logs. And what an unpleasant surprise that was to my parents. When Mom...Read More
I. Introduction A. Some years ago, on a flight from New York to Chicago, a man seated next to me noticed that I was dressed as a priest and asked if he could talk to me about his problems with the Church. Just at that moment the flight attendant told us to buckle our seatbelts...Read More
I. Introduction: “It’s the Culture” A. Years ago I met with a priest to discuss how things were going in his parish. Truth to tell, things were not going well. His parish was in rapid decline; Mass attendance was dropping; school enrollment was decreasing; and worst of all (!) the weekly collection was down. We...Read More
I. Introduction A. A few years ago, in his Easter Vigil homily, Pope Francis invited all of us to return to Galilee – that is to say, to our first encounter with Jesus, to that time when our faith was young, to that place in our life when we were first conscious of our calling...Read More
I. Introduction A. Perhaps it is only coincidental that the Gospel episode of John’s beheading and the blessing of throats on the feast of St Blaise occur on the same day! In any event, at the end of Mass I will offer the traditional throat blessing asking God the Father to keep us in good...Read More
I. A Little of the Devil A. I don’t want to upset anyone during Catholic Schools Week, but I have to tell you that my Catholic elementary school career was not so good. In other words, I got into a lot of trouble. One day, when Sister Mary Janet left her classroom for but a...Read More
I. Introduction A. It would be an understatement to say that we live in tumultuous times. To state the obvious, our nation is divided. Politics is always a rough sport but it is hard to remember a time when political rhetoric was so raw and personal. We live in a society where the humanity of...Read More