Believe, dear graduates, not only that the Lord loves you and that he is seeking your friendship in return for his; but believe also that the Lord has something in mind for you, some definite plan for your life, some mission, some work for you to do.Read More
As your archbishop, I have the responsibility to plan for the future of the archdiocese through the structure of parishes and schools, as well as the assignment and development of pastoral resources.Read More
Believe, dear graduates, not only that the Lord loves you and that he is seeking your friendship in return for his; but believe also that the Lord has something in mind for you, some definite plan for your life, some mission, some work for you to do.Read More
By remaining in the Lord’s love, we grow in our capacity to love others not merely as we love ourselves but rather as Christ has loved them – with an utterly generous, sacrificial love.Read More
The victory which Larry sought throughout his long and accomplished life was not only to enter the halls of government but indeed to enter the halls of heaven where the saints rejoice forever in the presence of the Triune God.Read More
Last Sunday, at a mostly-full Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, hundreds of couples from throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore came together to celebrate the sacred call that is the vocation to married life.Read More
Respect for all human life from conception to natural death is a central tenet of our faith. It serves as the underpinning of what we believe, teach and practice.Read More
Anything and everything we hope to do in renewing a spirit of evangelization in our parishes and throughout the Archdiocese hinges on our encounter with Jesus – today and every day of our priestly lives.Read More
Here's the first way to respond to unexpected questions that change everything: Get ready and stay ready. Be prepared. Keep your soul in readiness.Read More