Wisdom and understanding are gifts of the Holy Spirit given at Baptism, gifts that are increased and deepened in us through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Among other things, these gifts help us sort through our priorities as expressed in our daily work, our family relationships, and so much more – to see if we are...Read More
If the quality of our inner soil is poor, then we must take remedial action first and foremost by making good use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation by which weeds of sin, the thorns of daily cares, & the stones of hatred are removed. In this Sacrament we “give God permission” to remove from our...Read More
The Society of San Sulpice is blessed with a living charism and heritage well-suited for the times that are unfolding before us. Father Olier bequeathed to you and to the whole Church a beautiful vision of priestly formation & spirituality, as relevant today as it was then.Read More
While “The Keepers” does not accurately reflect the actions of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, it does highlight what is most important to me for the victims of Joseph Maskell and that is their own personal healing.Read More
Now, the Lord looks upon us with love. In this moment of Eucharistic worship when we give thanks for the God-given gift of religious freedom, let us ask the Lord to restore in us this gift and help us use it well and wisely. It is all too easy to allow the freedom with which...Read More
Key to preaching the Gospel with courage and love is our daily conversion as priests, our striving for personal holiness. When our lives are attuned in all respects to the saving will of God the Father, then our tongue is loosened; then we preach with the credibility of a living witness, and our proclamation bears...Read More
Not unlike More and Fisher, we find ourselves in a new situation undreamt of only a short time ago. And while no one as yet has paid the ultimate price, we must not fail to recognize that, in many quarters, religious freedom no longer is understood as a fundamental human right taking precedence over others....Read More
This beautiful feast of Corpus Christi has been celebrated for centuries to strengthen our faith in the mystery of the Eucharist, by which the Risen Lord remains with us and accompanies us on our journey, all the while enabling us to be present to one another along the way.Read More
Mother Teresa’s words prompted me to realize that my vocation did not rest on my own good will or my desire to serve but rather on a love – deeper, wider, and more beautiful than I ever imagined. She taught me that my vocation was not my own project. Rather, the Lord was calling me,...Read More
The most consequential of angelic visits was to a humble maiden in Nazareth. This time it was not Raphael who visited but rather the Archangel Gabriel. He delivered the message that Mary was to be the Mother of the Messiah, whose name would be Jesus, because he would save the people from their sins.Read More
God’s Son became one of us and died on the Cross to restore our relationship to the Father, undermined by sin. And, as Pope Francis teaches, “From the immense gift of love which is Jesus’ death on the Cross, the Holy Spirit has been poured out on humanity like a vast torrent of grace.”Read More