When we begin to see and treat human life as disposable or we lose sight of that dignity possessed by all of God’s children, whether they are immigrants, the unborn, the elderly, the homeless, the addicted, or minorities, then we’ve lost our way as a human family and as a nation.Read More
El arzobispo William E. Lori, arzobispo de Baltimore, expresó su decepción y grave preocupación por el anuncio emitido el día de ayer por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional sobre la cancelación del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para El Salvador.Read More
“I am deeply concerned for the safety of the nearly 200,000 Salvadorans, 20,000 of whom are our neighbors here in Maryland, who are being forced to return to a country that is unsafe and is clearly unable to adequately handle their return."Read More
When we, like the Magi, see the light of Christ shining in our midst, then our light will shine ever more brightly – and each of us and our community of faith will indeed become more and more ‘a light brightly shining’ – shining the with truth and love of Christ, shining with the attractiveness...Read More
The reading from the Gospel of Mark tells about Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River. As the Gospel opens, John the Baptist is preaching about Jesus. Instead of trying to hold on to his followers or proclaiming himself the Messiah, John the Baptist does what every good priest must do: he points to Jesus. “One...Read More
Instead of insisting, however prayerfully, on her own plans and prerogatives, Elizabeth Ann Seton allowed the Lord in his incarnate humanity to gaze at her, to look into the depths of her soul, to “see” her as only God can see her and to love her as only God can love her.Read More
In your wisdom, grant us the understanding we need to take the steps necessary to bring about the transformation of our city so that it will be a place where every life is cherished, where families are sustained in love, and where young people have the opportunity to develop the talents and gifts with which...Read More
All of you have been chosen because we see in you talent and leadership qualities. I am impressed by what I know of your abilities to build relationships, your abilities to lead, your abilities to educate effectively, to employ technology, to employ 21st century learning techniques, your passion for Catholic education, your commitment to the...Read More
Let this be our gift to the Lord, to those around us, and to ourselves – that this Christmas, when we peer into the stable and behold the Christ-Child, we resolve in God’ grace to deepen our connection to our Savior in his Church, and if that relationship is cold or distant, to draw near...Read More