Before receiving the Eucharist we will ask the Lord to give us “our daily bread”. Let us also ask that we might be his instruments in providing the daily bread of physical sustenance and the daily bread of human respect to the poor who are very much with us in the City of Baltimore and...Read More
Many people associate Lent with the cold and gloom of winter when, in fact, the very word Lent has to do with springtime, with new beginnings, new life, newness in our spiritual lives.Read More
Our Lenten journey will proceed well if each day we reflect on Scripture. Like Peter we who wanted to linger atop Mt. Tabor with Jesus, Moses, & Elijah, so too, you and I should want to linger over the pages of Sacred Scripture.Read More
Sometimes we think of the Church only as a large institution, a lot of buildings, a heavily hierarchical structure, a business with schools, charities, & hospitals. And there’s no doubt about it, the Church still has a major institutional presence.Read More
This morning, in prayerful solidarity with entire CRS family, we gather at the Lord’s table to pray for our co-workers who lost their lives in the tragic plane crash in Ethiopia over the past weekend: Sara, Getnet, Sintayehu, and Mulusew.Read More
When we open our hearts to Christ and confess our sins with heartfelt sorrow, when live our baptismal call to holiness and center our lives on the Eucharist, then it is that we truly honor the memory of the great missionary bishop, the Apostle of Ireland, St. Patrick!Read More
Like a skilled physician, Jesus will shine the light of his truth and love into the deep recesses of our mind, heart, and soul, so as to uncover in us those sins which cause us to be un-reconciled both with God and others, such as family members, friends, and colleagues.Read More
Many physicians and other healthcare professionals testified against this bill. Those who are permanently disabled have testified against it as well as those who provide services for the disabled.Read More
Before you and I get on our high horse and go after others, Jesus warns us, that we had better stop and first examine our own lives – not only our outward actions but also what lies in the depths of our hearts.Read More
As a presbyterate you and I are at a crossroads. Let us decide here and now to travel together the route of transformation in Christ. It is one thing to travel this road as individual priests, each in our own way, but indeed a very powerful thing when we decide to do so together.Read More