So on this day of rejoicing and blessing, let us entrust our cares and worries & weaknesses to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, confident that he knows us and loves us more deeply than we could ever know and love ourselves, confident that he bears our burdens and heals our infirmities and that he lead...Read More
You are ministers not of ideas but of realities, the “really real” reality of Christ’s Body broken and his Blood outpoured. Ordination will render you a priest sacramentally, but it is in your life of prayer and virtue that you become priests after Christ’s own heart!Read More
Today, we do well to reflect on our rich tradition of affirming the dignity of every human person, of every race. In light of this, let us consider the ways in which we can work together, in a spirit of genuine solidarity, to build up a culture within the Church and our broader society in...Read More
The effects of original sin, and the shattering of unity that comes with it are real. But the mercy of God revealed in Christ has conquered all things, restoring that unity God intended from the foundation of the world.Read More
Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the heart of our Mother, a heart pierced by the sword of sorrow at the suffering of her Son, the heart in which she pondered all the things that God had done and would do through her, the heart of a mother and...Read More
Be the first witness to the Sacred Heart, to Charity in the flesh, to Charity that is real. When we do this, we reflect a love that comes from God, a God who is real, a God who is among us, a God who loves us with a heart made of flesh.Read More
In this holy shrine where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's mortal remains lie, on these grounds where America's first natural-born canonized saint walked, it is right that we should take hold of this great saint's Eucharistic vision. For from the start of her conversion, the mystery of the Eucharist, the true presence of Christ's Body and...Read More
We who are mortal, yet have in us the seed of immorality, long for the eternal, a life that we taste in the Eucharist, as we receive into the depth of our being Jesus, the Bread of Life.Read More
For 100 years God’s work has been done from this place, for that and for all those who shared in that work, we give God thanks and praise. This work will continue, the mission does on. Today, as we look to the future, we ask God for the grace we need to be his messengers...Read More
In English 30 de mayo de 2024 Queridos amigos en Cristo, Como parte de la reorganización del Capítulo 11 de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore, en diciembre pasado un juez federal fijó el 31 de mayo como fecha límite para que las víctimas-sobrevivientes que fueron perjudicadas por un representante de la Iglesia Católica en Maryland presentaran...Read More
As part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Chapter 11 reorganization, a federal judge in December set May 31 as the deadline for victim-survivors who were harmed by a representative of the Catholic Church in Maryland to file a claim to participate in the process.Read More
Trinity Sunday is not about “breaking the code”, a vain attempt make the mystery of God less mysterious or “un-mysterious”. No, it’s about allowing ourselves to be “all lost in wonder” as our eyes of faith behold something of God grandeur and glory, as we experience something of his love, as we allow the love...Read More