Archbishop William E. Lori shared the following video message with the people of the Archdiocese of Baltimore April 17. A full transcript follows. Read More
Jesus’ preaching was true, good, and beautiful because it was not his own. Rather, it sprang from the heart of the Father of Mercies who sent his only Son into the world and commissioned him to proclaim the Gospel.Read More
The Holy Spirit has come upon you as well in Baptism and Confirmation and has endowed you not only with natural talents so needed by Church’s life, but also by many spiritual gifts of discernment, prophecy, and healing, gifts so necessary in these days and in fact, necessary for the Church’s mission at all times.Read More
To remind ourselves of Jesus’ true origins, his authoritative claim upon our lives, and the price of our redemption – to do all of this is simply to acknowledge the dimensions of what it means truly to open our hearts to Christ.Read More
There’s an awful lot of things to pray for these days in the life of the Church but as we celebrate today’s liturgy in the presence of St. John Vianney’s priestly heart, let us pray deeply for people like me, namely, bishops and priests.Read More
There is no doubt that the Lord has won the victory over sin and death by his cross and resurrection. The question confronting each of us is whether or not we will participate in his victory.Read More
Though sinless, though innocent, he took upon himself our sins, and he did this not only in his suffering and death but indeed by his whole manner of life.Read More
Lent is a time of reckoning, a time of taking stock and owning up to responsibility; Lent is a time of making wrongs right; Lent is a time not only to change our external conduct but to purify our hearts through prayer, self-denial, and charity.Read More
Lent is that time for our faith in God to come alive; it’s a time when we sense anew the urgency of our faith; a time when our faith must bear the good fruit of holiness.Read More
This afternoon let us thank the Father of mercies for the forgiveness he lavishes upon us and let us ask him also that we may be forgiving and eager to welcome that who want to join us and those who would come after us. The name for this is: evangelization! Read More