When our faith, our hope, our love – and our joy – are palpable, visible, real – then the questions from those who doubt or have turned away will come to us, and then we will be able to share the reasons of our hope – the hope that springs up afresh each year, on...Read More
If we step back for a moment, we might wonder if it were fair that Zechariah would lose his powers of speech and hearing simply because he entered a very reasonable doubt, a healthy skepticism.Read More
But these four weeks are not merely an abridged version of ancient Jewish history. Rather, this is a time when we re-live the events of salvation history, a time when we make our own the hopes and fears and longings of the Chosen People, represented by those named in Matthew’s genealogy.Read More
By praying for and working to attain the virtue of patience, we derive one another benefit: we never take our Lord for granted. Rather, we begin to get some idea of his patience toward us and as we do so, we open our hearts more widely to him, at Christmas and throughout the year.Read More
This is also why we should make use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Advent, remembering as we do so, that the Lord exercises his dominion of our weakness not as the world exercises power but rather as a gentle shepherd, the one whose love is stronger than sin and more powerful than death. Read More
But in calling us to rejoice St. Paul doesn’t imagine that we live in a trouble-free world. No, the joy to which he calls us is deeper, more beautiful, and more enduring than the momentary joy of pleasure or success or even the avoidance of suffering.Read More
Queridos hermanos y hermanas de la comunidad de Cristo Rey y feligreses de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore, Es un privilegio para mi poder acompañarles hoy en esta celebración a la morenita, la dulce Virgen de Guadalupe, esa madre que nos acoge siempre en su Santo manto, en su tilma.Read More
Father Michael was a dedicated and hard-working priest with a good heart. Perhaps more than any of us really knew, he gave of himself to this parish family wholeheartedly.Read More
In these days when we feel buffeted by challenges on every side, in these days when many say that the bottom is dropping out of the Church, our heart should rejoice and our spine should be stiffened as in this place we hear anew the solemn promise of Jesus that the forces of sin and...Read More