No one is a mere statistic. No one is a mere condition. Every human life has worth and beauty in God’s eyes, and if that is so, every human life must have worth and beauty in our eyes. Read More
When the Lord calls, he also gives us the grace to answer the call. And even when the Lord asks things of us that seem to be above and beyond, rest assured that the Lord will unfold his plan for your life a step at a time, as I have discovered to my astonishment and...Read More
I firmly believe that the quiet faith that inspires so many large and small good works in our City has been – and will be – the ultimate saving grace that brings us forward. May each of us keep alive that Faith in Baltimore throughout 2020, and for many generations to come. Read More
In blessing this chapel and in dedicating this wonderfully renovated building, we are, in effect, asking anew for God’s blessing on the work of Catholic Charities, both here and throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore.Read More
The Sacrament of Baptism opens the door to God’s life and love. In fact, Baptism is like a re-birth because by it we share in a whole new life, not just our earthly life, but as members of the Church, we share God’s life.Read More
Me han preguntado muchas veces si heredé sus buenos genes. No estoy seguro de eso. Pero sé que mamá y papá me han dado una herencia aún más preciosa: el regalo de la vida, el regalo de la fe y el regalo del buen ejemplo.Read More
Dear friends, when we, like the Magi, see the light of Christ shining in our midst, then our light will shine even more brightly – and each us and each of our parishes will indeed become ‘a light brightly visible’ – a light shining with the truth and love of Christ, shining with the attractiveness...Read More
This great saint teaches us how to live every vocation in the Church with love, how to be led by the Spirit toward the fullness of Christ’s truth and love, and how to express the ‘love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit’ in works of love and service for others, especially...Read More
I’ve been asked many times if I have inherited their good genes. I don’t know about that. I do know that mom and dad have given me an even more precious inheritance – the gift of life, the gift of faith and the gift of good example.Read More
The home should be a place of love and security and peace, where parents and their children pray together, learn the faith together, and grow in knowledge and love of God, and indeed develop a personal relationship with Jesus.Read More
On this feast of Christmas, and in the year ahead, we should ask our newborn Savior, ‘the light of the world,’ who ‘enlightens everyone coming into the world’ (Jn. 8:12;1:9 ), to bring the eyes of our soul clearly into focus, indeed, 20/20 focus.Read More
As we gather with our family and friends this Christmas season to celebrate the blessed birth of our Savior, let us be mindful of our privilege as Christians to care for the poor, the downtrodden and all those subjected to isolation and neglect. Read More