My friends, if you and I want to make a difference in Church and society, then we must grow more wheat so as to crowd out the weeds. In other words, we must overcome evil by good and hatred by love.Read More
What is so beautiful about Bonaventure is that, amid the challenges he faced, he remained deeply committed to contemplation, to deep and sustained prayer.Read More
In his second letter to the Corinthians and again in his Letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul refers to himself as an “ambassador for Christ”. In other words, Paul spoke to the people as if it were Christ himself, calling them to be reconciled to God and to one another.Read More
I am truly grateful that we are able to gather together again in person to celebrate Mass and the Sacraments as jurisdictions throughout the State slowly proceed through the reopening process.Read More
Estoy realmente agradecido de que podamos reunirnos nuevamente en persona para celebrar la Misa y los Sacramentos a medida que las jurisdicciones de todo el Estado avanzan lentamente a través del proceso de reapertura.Read More
It should be comforting that heroically holy people are also no strangers to fear. Our first reading spoke of the outright persecution the prophet Jeremiah faced.Read More
It is with special urgency that I once again proclaim the truth about the Eucharist. My appeal to you this Sunday is urgent because far too many Catholics no longer understand the centrality of the Eucharist in their lives...Read More
For a parish church to be a place of prayer, there have to be times of silence. For a domestic church to be a place of prayer and formation, there also needs to be periods of silence.Read More
Escribo para compartir con ustedes noticias importantes sobre los pasos inmediatos que tomará la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore mientras lidiamos con la profunda angustia y la tensión racial que estamos presenciando actualmente a nivel local y en todo nuestro país.Read More
The distinctness and relatedness of the Persons of the Trinity are also in fact an urgent summons from the heart of God to love and respect as equals those whose skin color, language, nationality, politics, and culture differ from our own.Read More